2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Vocabulary Early Civilizations Later Civilizations North America Hodge Podge
Artificial, floating islands, used to grow crops in areas with large lakes.
Strips of level land planted with crops; used in areas with steep hills and mountains.
A period of little to no rain.
A colorful, tropical bird, whose feathers were used by the Mayans for trade.
A record keeping device made up of knotted strings.
Often referred to as “The Mother Culture”
This civilization created an accurate calendar with 365 days that could accurately predict eclipses.
This term means “middle America”, the area where the Olmecs, Mayans, and Aztecs were located.
The Aztecs would often make these types of sacrifices to their gods…
Human Sacrifices
Which civilization left this behind?
This civilization was located on the Pacific Coast of South America; it began in the 1400’s
It’s capital city, Tenochtitlan was captured by the Spanish in the 1500’s
Which civilization would have used this, pictured below:
The Aztecs (these are Chinampas)
The Incans were the first civilization to grow this important crop:
What type of farming is pictured below:
Terrace Farming
This large North American civilization, located in the west, was one of the earliest known civilizations in North America.
This tribal region in North America was home to the fewest tribes due to the harsh weather.
It was the last major prehistoric cultural development in North America, but disappeared in the 1400’s without warning
This geographic area was known for its totem poles, and the potlatch ceremony which it used to impress visitors.
Northwest Region
This region experienced the biggest change when Europeans arrived; these tribes changed from stationary to nomadic hunters
Plains region
The Three Sisters
Corn Beans Squash
Legend says that the Aztec civilization was to be founded when this type of bird was seen perched on a cactus growing out of a rock
This structure would be found in what geographic region of North America?
Southeastern Woodlands (It’s a Chickee)
Which civilization left this behind?
In this geographic area, native tribes near water sources made log homes, and those in drier areas used tepees of wigwams.
Final Jeopardy Category: Influence
Which Mesoamerican civilization was the most heavily impacted by Europeans? Which North American region was the most heavily impacted by Europeans
Aztecs (They were around until the Spanish Conquistadors showed up) & Plains Tribes (The introduction of the guns and the reintroduction of horses)