CHAPTER FIVE The Eucharist
Glimpses of the Mystery Eucharist--”The source and summit of the Christian life” Wonder of Eucharist is beyond description God enters our lives in profound way
The Eucharist is a Blessing –We experience God’s transcendence –Church praises and thanks God for wonders of creation –Eucharist means “thanksgiving” We praise and thank God What is the Eucharist?
- We offer blessing like Christ did through his life, death, and resurrection What is the Eucharist? The Eucharist is a Blessing cont. - Church blesses God for great events of salvation - God redeems us from sin and leads us to freedom - Time of liberation, redemption, and creation are now
The Eucharist is a Memorial “Do this in memory of me” When we remember God’s works of salvation we experience God’s blessing and respond by doing God’s will Events of salvation are imprinted upon our memories through the Eucharist What is the Eucharist?
The Eucharist is the Presence of God Within and Among Us Jesus present in many ways in celebration of the Eucharist “Real presence” Consecration: bread and wine become Christ’s body and blood What is the Eucharist? In communityScripturePerson of the priestBread and wine
What is the Eucharist? The Eucharist is the Presence of God Within and Among Us cont. Transubstantiation--change from bread and wine to the body and blood of Christ Nourishment of Eucharist is nourishment of Christ himself Tabernacle--where consecrated hosts are kept
Sacrifice: “to make holy”- Sharing in God’s life and love –Eucharist is sacrifice instituted by Jesus at last Supper –Eucharist memorializes Christ’s sacrifice on the cross –Eucharist is the sacrifice of the entire Church The Eucharist is the Perfect Sacrifice
Eucharistic prayer contains intercessions for the Pope, bishop, priests and deacons, and the faithful Spiritual sacrifice of Church united with sacrifice of Christ The Eucharist is the Perfect Sacrifice
Sacred banquet of communion with the Lord’s body and blood” Significance of altar –Eucharist instituted by Christ in context of a Jewish ritual meal –Eucharist sacrament of self-giving love and sacrifice The Eucharist is a Sacred Family Meal
Jesus’ time – Meals involve rituals with bread and wine – Food is reminder of dependence on God In early Church Eucharist was accompanied by larger shared meal Eucharist is sign and source of our unity –We are also united with those already in heaven The Eucharist is a Sacred Family Meal
Eucharist a “foretaste of the heavenly banquet” Jesus used images of feasts when speaking of Kingdom of God Future and present are the same in the Eucharist--God’s great feast has begun
Basic format of Jewish meal which Jesus followed: Historical Development of the Liturgy of the Eucharist Taking the bread Breaking and distributing bread Taking the cup Offering prayer of blessing Sharing cup with those present Speaking prayer of blessing
Celebration of the Eucharist today - Two great parts are Liturgy of Word and Liturgy of Eucharist –Gathering Rites Preparation to encounter the Lord –Liturgy of the Word Readings of Old and New Testament, prayers of the faithful, homily Historical Development of the Liturgy of the Eucharist
Celebration of Eucharist today cont. - Presentation of the Offerings · Bread and wine offered as sign of gratitude and offering of ourselves Historical Development of the Liturgy of the Eucharist - Eucharistic Prayer · Heart and summit of Mass, prayer of thanksgiving and consecration, offering, intercessions, communion rite
Aim of Eucharist is to dismiss us out in the world to be like Christ Eucharist: –Unites us with Jesus, separates us from sin –Draws us back to God –Sends us out in world ready to love more completely--to care for those most in need Eucharist Sends us into the World
We must be prepared to receive Eucharist –Reflect on our relationship with God –Reconciliation for mortal sin –Period of fast Eucharist Sends us into the World
We celebrate Eucharist while waiting for Jesus’ coming Foretaste of heaven and long for eternal life Eucharist is Pledge of Our Future Glory