Famous People Exciting Events More Shots Are Fired Who Said That? Helpful (Some) Folks After All That Making Plans Ready or not, we had…
He was the President of the Union and author of the Emancipation Proclamation.
Who was Abraham Lincoln?
A former Mississippi senator and US Secretary of War, he reluctantly accepted the role of President of the Confederate States of America.
Who was Jefferson Davis?
Nicknamed ‘Unconditional Surrender,’ he was Lincoln’s last and best general to lead the Army of the Potomac to final victory at Petersburg and Appomattox.
Who was Ulysses S. Grant?
I made Georgia ‘Howl’ when a went on my March to the Sea!
Who was William Tecumseh Sherman?
More men with whom to create an army.
What was the North?
We were motivated to protect our homeland and way of life, including slavery.
What was the South?
With our factories we could build more guns, ships, railroads, uniforms, more everything!
What was the North?
We felt that we had the best leaders, including Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.
What was the South?
Which side created a blockade called the Anaconda Plan?
What was the North?
We will split the other side in two by gaining complete control of the Mississippi River (No, I’m not going to spell it for you again!).
What was the North?
If we hold on long enough you will get tired of fighting and let us become an independent country.
What was the South?
If we can show that our army has a chance of winning, perhaps Great Britain or France will give us help with our ‘Cotton Diplomacy’.
What was the South?
What states stayed with the Union despite having slavery, and what was the name for this group?
Who were the ‘Border States’ of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri?
Benjamin Butler said, ‘Who me? I’m not freeing slaves. These people who wandered into Fort Monroe are called ___
What are ‘contrabands’?
Wooden warships were suddenly obsolete after this famous naval battle.
What was the Monitor- Merrimac…uh… CSS Virginia? (Don’t sweat it; either name is OK!)
This early battle started out as a picnic, ended as the ‘Great Skedaddle,’ and convinced everyone that the Civil War would be long and bloody.
What was Bull Run/Manassas?
This battle is known as the bloodiest single day in American history but gave Lincoln a reason to issue the Emancipation Proclamation.
What is Antietam?
“General Jackson has lost his left arm, and I fear I have lost my right,” lamented Lee after this costly victory.
What is Chancellorsville?
This battle is often referred to as the ‘Turning Point’ of the Civil War. Although the Union failed to catch and destroy Lee’s army, he never again crossed the Potomac River.
What was Gettysburg?
Residents of this town refused to celebrate July 4 th for over 80 years after Grant sieged them and gained complete control of the Mississippi for the Union.
What is Vicksburg?
“Government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from this earth.”
Who was Abraham Lincoln, and what was the Gettysburg Address?
“I must go see General Grant, and I would rather die a thousand deaths.”
Who was Robert E. Lee and what was Appomattox?
“…all persons held as slaves in any State, or designated part of a State, the whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free…”
Who was Abraham Lincoln, and what was the Emancipation Proclamation ?
“ With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”
Who was Abraham Lincoln, and what was his second Inaugural Address?
This fiery abolitionist advised Lincoln, whether he wanted it or not, and also was very involved in recruiting Black soldiers to fight in the Civil War.
Who was Frederick Douglas?
This ‘Moses’ transformed herself into a very capable spy for the Union by retracing her Underground Railroad tracks.
Who was Harriet Tubman?
This ‘Angel of the Battlefield’ would go on to establish the first American Chapter of the Red Cross.
Who was Clara Barton?
This slithery group resisted Abraham Lincoln by trying to persuade Northern citizens to stop the war and make peace with the South.
Who were Peace Democrats, also called ‘Copperheads’?
The number of lives lost in the Civil War, and the cause of death for most…
What are: Over 700,000 dead (based upon recent research) Disease
This event took away the South’s biggest supporter for a merciful and quick Reconstruction.
What was the assassination of Abraham Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth ?
These were effects of the Civil War on the North.
What are: A booming economy A stronger central government?
No, you are NOT allowed to declare “Students’ Rights” and secede from your test… Study!