©Semiconductor Physics SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS EMT 471/3 By Mrs. Syarifah Norfaezah Sabki Semester 1 Academic Session 2007/2008
©Semiconductor Physics REFERENCES Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology 2nd Ed., S.M. Sze. (John-Wiley & Sons, 2002). Robert F. Pierret, “Advanced Semiconductor Fundamentals” 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, Peter Y. Yu, Manuel Cardona, “Fundamental of Semiconductors: Physics and materials properties (advanced text in physics)”, Springer-Verlag, Streetman B.G., “Solid State Electronic Devices”, Prentice Hall, USA, Kevin Kramer and W. Nicholas G. Hitchon, “Semiconductor Devices: A Simulation Approach (Bk/CD)”, Prentice Hall PTR, 1997.
©Semiconductor Physics OVERALL COURSE Test 15% Test 25% Assignment5% Basic Lab 1, 2, 3 & 4 (Basic Lab Report)10% Mini Project (Mini Project Report & Presentation)25% Coursework50% Final Exam50% Coursework:
©Semiconductor Physics COURSE CONTENT Chapter 1: Introduction - Semiconductor Devices - Semiconductor Technology PART 1: SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS Chapter 2: Energy Bands & Carrier Concentration in Thermal Equilibrium Chapter 3: Carrier Transport Phenomena
©Semiconductor Physics PART 2: SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Chapter 4: p-n Junction Chapter 5: Bipolar Transistor & Related Devices Chapter 6: MOSFET & Related Devices Chapter 7: MESFET & Related Devices Chapter 8: Microwave Diodes, Quantum-Effect, & Hot-Electron Devices Chapter 9: Photonic Devices COURSE CONTENT
©Semiconductor Physics COURSEWORK TEST 1 (5%) Chapter 2 – Chapter 4 1 hour TEST 2 (5%) Chapter 5 – Chapter 9 1 hour
©Semiconductor Physics ASSIGNMENT (5%) Do in a group of 4 people Submit on 8 th August 2007, Wednesday (during lecture) Titles, writing format and groups will be given at the end of this lecture COURSEWORK
©Semiconductor Physics BASIC LAB (10%) Basic Lab will be given in three (4) weeks started from next week (16/7/07 & 31/7/07) Purpose of Basic Lab: To familiarize students with simulation TCAD tools (TWB, TSUPREM4, MEDICI & DAVINCI) before start on Mini Projects You need to write a Basic Lab Report. The writing format is given in the portal (in the Basic Lab Manual) Please submit Basic Lab Report in week 9 5 th Sept 2007, Wednesday, during Lecture Please be smart and quick!! COURSEWORK
©Semiconductor Physics MINI PROJECT (25%) Mini Project will be done in a group of four (4) people Titles of mini projects will be based on titles given in the assignment Mini projects will be started in the week 5 (6/8/07 & 7/8/07) until the week 13 (1/10/07 & 3/10/07) You have 8weeks (or 16hours) to complete Mini Project Mini Project Report (15%) – Writing format will be given in the Portal. Submit Mini Project Report on 26 th Sept 2007, Wednesday, during Lecture Mini Project Presentation (10%) – will be done in Semiconductor Physics Lab during lab session in the week 13 (11/10/07 & 12/10/07). 15 minutes for each presentation. An examiner will be invited. Please be hardworking and independent!! COURSEWORK
©Semiconductor Physics SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS LAB Industry-standard simulation software - Synopsys TCAD tools using high-end PCs as workstation Use Taurus WorkBench framework tool Process Simulation: TSUPREM4 Device Simulation: MEDICI (1D & 2D) & DAVINCI (3D)
©Semiconductor Physics Motivation “It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop” ~Confucius~ Chinese philosopher & reformer (551 BC BC)