Strengths of the Quality Management and Quality Assurance Policy in Finland that are useful for other countries Prof. Olga Oleynikova IVETA President Elect Center for VET Studies RUSSIA
Jyväskylä, 24/04/ Close links with business, as quality management originated in the business sphere. Hence the QA system is not artificially created but based on real needs. 2. Clear Quality policy on the National level
Jyväskylä, 24/04/ Quality management in VET defined as an integral part of VET provision at all levels of operation to assure response to the changing needs of the clients and to support continuous quality improvement of VET 4. Bottom-up and evidence-based approach – first testing QM and QA tools and approaches, and only when there is sufficient evidence collected the QM and QA systems are made mandatory (by 2015 all VET schools and centres are to have QA systems).
Jyväskylä, 24/04/ System of VET financing that supports VET providers in achieving the aims set for quality performance and continuous quality improvement (performance-based funding). 6. The key goal of QA systems – continuous improvement at the VET school level.
Jyväskylä, 24/04/ Increased focus on internal QA systems and responsibility for quality on the level of VET providers. 8. Central role of internal QA/quality assurance that serves the foundation for the external assessment.
Jyväskylä, 24/04/ Key principles of VET quality management: customer orientation, confidence, transparency, aiming at excellence; uniform quality; innovativeness, capability for renewal and peer learning. 10. Common reliable and varied criteria accepted for QA and as performance criteria that allow adequate quality benchmarking across the system. The criteria are all relevant and contribute to continuous improvement.
Jyväskylä, 24/04/ Clear and coherent QA policy at VET schools and involvement of all staff in quality assurance activities. 12. QA – as part of the strategic plan of the VET school.
Jyväskylä, 24/04/ Accent on values in the performance strategy. 14. Critical success factors on the level of VET schools: customer viewpoint (customer satisfaction, cooperation with working life, added value for customer) – future viewpoint (number of customers, positive economic effect) – learning and development viewpoint (competence and development of personnel; new services) – processes and functions viewpoint (customer relationships,; quality and effectiveness of services)
Jyväskylä, 24/04/ Use of Balanced Score Cards to shape indicators and measure progress. 16. Focus on environmental issues and green skills.
Jyväskylä, 24/04/ Thank you for attention! Center for VET Studies , Office 104, 27/6 Goncharnaya Str., Moscow, Russia Tel.:(7 495) Tel./fax:(7 495) Web-site: