POWERPOINT 20 Theodore Roosevelt and Progressive Reform,
United States at the Start of the 20 th Century McKinley assassinated Theodore Roosevelt becomes president Height of the progressive era Notable rise in population from immigration Time of social changes 175,000 children in workforce in 1900 Rising divorce rate More women in school, workplace, and professions National Women’s Trade Union America becomes nation of consumers caught up in the new advertising
European Immigration
Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency Nation fascinated by Roosevelt (TR) Bully pulpit Roosevelt’s reputation as “trustbuster” Northern Securities Company U.S. Steel TR and arbitration of the Anthracite coal strike J.P. Morgan Square Deal Elkins Act “Beef Trust”
Modern Presidency (cont.’d) Race relations during Roosevelt’s administration Booker T. Washington Segregation as the norm South’s white primary effective in excluding blacks from political process W.E.B. DuBois Roosevelt clear about foreign policy goals Roosevelt Corollary Panama Canal Roosevelt re-elected decisively in 1904 Interstate Commerce Commission
Progressive Campaigns to Reform the Nation Federal government tries to police business Progressivism interpreted in different ways Reform efforts broadened to politics Direct primary, referenda, and recall Muckrakers enter media coverage of events Samuel McClure and Ida Tarbell Suffrage movement has victories after 1910 Municipal reform Samuel Jones and Tom Johnson City managers Reformers succeed in direct election of senators
Roosevelt and the Modern Presidency: The Second Term Hepburn Act brings railroad regulation Pure Food and Drug Act Upton Sinclair Roosevelt and world politics Russo-Japanese War Nobel Peace Prize Morocco Affair Gentleman’s agreement “Great White Fleet” Web
Second Term (cont.’d) Challenges to Roosevelt’s reform Supreme Court overturns some reform efforts Conservation is great success for Roosevelt Newlands Reclamation Act Gifford Pinchot National Monuments Act Roosevelt keeps vow and does not run in 1908 William Howard Taft Republican party divided
Discussion Questions Describe Theodore Roosevelt’s domestic policy. Was Roosevelt a progressive or a conservative? Discuss Roosevelt’s foreign policy. What were U.S. relations like with other nations of the world? What was the Progressive Movement? What aspects of U.S. society did it affect? What was Roosevelt role in conservation? How does one reconcile his love of hunting with his role as a conservationist?