Volunteers Need People?
Defining Reality – How’s Your Ministry? 75% are Maintaining 17% are Thriving 8% are Struggling
Defining Reality – Why? “Getting People to Attend” “Lack of Volunteers” “Difficult Volunteer Schedules” “A few difficult Volunteers” “Keeping Volunteers” “Recruiting Volunteers”
Defining Reality – Statistics
The Harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few…. Luke 10:2
Why People Don’t Volunteer – 4 Reasons 1. There isn’t anything I can do! …potential volunteers see programs done with excellence, then focus on their limitations! Solid musicians, top-notch children’s ministry, smiling ushers, everyone acts like long last friends!
Why People Don’t Volunteer – 4 Reasons 1. Obstacle Remover! …Let potential volunteers know that there’s training for any role they think suits them and that you only place volunteers where they have God-given strengths.
Why People Don’t Volunteer – 4 Reasons 2. I filled out a survey, no one got back to me! …all too often churches collect information about people and then do nothing with it! You don’t want the collection of people’s interests to become a systematic process of rejection.
Why People Don’t Volunteer – 4 Reasons 2. Obstacle Remover …Use discovery information as a starting point for ministry connections to take place. Create a system for what happens to the information so people don’t fall through the cracks.
Why People Don’t Volunteer – 4 Reasons 3. I was so frustrated last time that I’ll never volunteer again! …they didn’t quit because they got too busy, or too old, or too anything. People don’t easily quit things they find personally rewarding. They quit because they were in poorly defined roles, or lack of resources, poor training, or the authority to be successful.
Why People Don’t Volunteer – 4 Reasons 3. Obstacle Remover …Having a ministry description in place as well as systems that offer training, support, and evaluation will provide structure that may help volunteers be more successful in their position.
Why People Don’t Volunteer – 4 Reasons 4. I don’t have time! …we all have the same amount of time in a day, a week, and a year. The issue is not a lack of time, but that the volunteer opportunity presented isn’t important enough to rate a time commitment.
Why People Don’t Volunteer – 4 Reasons 4. Obstacle Remover …people make time for what they value most. Help your volunteers find their “sweet spot” which matches their motivation and gifting.
Room Exercise Part 1- Each table discuss and note why people don’t volunteer at Crossroads. Part 2- Trade sheets with another table, you write down solutions.
Let’s Share Part 1- Each table discuss and note why people don’t volunteer at Crossroads. Part 2- Trade sheets with another table, you write down solutions.
Volunteer Friendly Environment…..? Do you radiate a contagious vision? - Offer an engaging ministry discovery course - Share your ministry vision - Educate congregation to see leaders as equippers, not just workers - Eph 4:11-12
Volunteer Friendly Environment…..? Are you motivational? - Service through volunteering should be an ongoing campaign! - Remind people of the “Benefits” to volunteering! - Make people aware of the need!
Envision your church as a Target
Volunteer Friendly Environment…..? Providing Training? - Do they have permission to try and fail? - Do you provide coaching and training? - How is your follow-up?
Volunteer Friendly Environment…..? Do you avoid volunteer burnout? - Do you have sacred cows? - Periodically evaluate programs. - Term limits? Rotation? Sabbaticals?
Volunteer Friendly Environment…..? Do you show appreciation? - No one wants to have their work go unnoticed - Recognition + Respect = Retention - Informal or Formal
Room Exercise Part 1- Each table evaluate our “Volunteer Environment” at Crossroads. Part 2- Each Table come up with 3 solutions to improve.
Room Exercise: Let’s Share Part 1- Each table evaluate our “Volunteer Environment” at Crossroads. Part 2- Each Table come up with 3 solutions to improve.
Defining Reality – How’s Your Ministry? 75% are Maintaining 17% are Thriving 8% are Struggling
Top Five Do’s
5 Steps to Create a Solid Volunteer Program Step One: Create an Environment of Excitement! - Pray!!! - Develop People, don’t fill slots - Simplify the choices - Identify the right attributes - Be clear on Non-Negotiables - Invite….Don’t Recruit
5 Steps to Create a Solid Volunteer Program Step Two: Invite the Best Volunteers You Can Find! - Have a strategy for Volunteers in your Church - Stop asking out of obligation, even guilt - Target based on personal gifts & interests - Understand why people serve - Empower staff and leaders to “shoulder tap”
5 Steps to Create a Solid Volunteer Program Step Three: T.R.A.I.N.I.N.G. to the next Level! - Task Development - Resource Recommendations - Assessment of Progress - Input from Overseer - Nurture of Walk With God - Inspiration to do One’s Best - Need-Based Help - God-Orientation
5 Steps to Create a Solid Volunteer Program Step Four: Improve Volunteer Retention! - Know Them - Position Them - Platform Them - Pay Them….. - Promote Them
5 Steps to Create a Solid Volunteer Program Step Five: Consistently Measure and Improve your System! - Group Evaluations - Self Evaluations - Let’s Try It!
5 Steps to Create a Solid Volunteer Program:Evaluation Take this quick assessment to discover if you’re a magnetic leader. Give yourself 3 points for “Always”; 2 point for “Usually”; and 0 for “Never”. I spend time with my volunteers in non-work related activities. I set aside time each week to pray for my volunteers. Volunteers approach me to enjoy personal conversations. Other people see me as kind in dealing with problems and disagreements. Most of my volunteers would say I’m patient. I’m flexible even when I’ve planned everything out. I maintain a balance between being fun and being serious. I respect the opinions of my volunteers even when they’re different from mine. I partner with volunteers in planning events and activities. I regularly express words of affirmation and appreciation to those who serve Give yourself a standing ovation You’re on your way. Keep looking for ideas to improve what you’re doing. Below 10 Taking this assessment is a good beginning. Continue to work on ways to improve.
Room Exercise Part 1-Write down areas of struggle from the table Part 2-Capture thoughts on solutions
Room Exercise: Let’s Discuss Part 1- Write down areas of struggle from the table Part 2- Capture thoughts on solutions
We’ve Done All That… …but it’s not working out!
When to Redeem/Replace Volunteers 1) Try to prevent problems before they occur! - Setting and sharing clear expectations - Giving excellent constructive feedback - Allow to “test-drive” - Background checks - Allow time to grow - Opportunities for mentoring
When to Redeem/Replace Volunteers 2) Try to Redeem Before You Replace! - Identify the problem – Pray for Guidance - Invite volunteer to explore solutions - Opportunity for more training - Explore serving in other capacity - Invite to seek appropriate counseling (professional)
When to Redeem/Replace Volunteers 3) Identify if the volunteer accepts coaching! - Check to see how they respond to training - Check to see if they welcome guidance - Check to see if they transfer blame - If “closed” they may cause more damage
When to Redeem/Replace Volunteers 4) When it becomes necessary to remove! - Assure of God’s love for each person - Focus on problem with specific examples - Clearly state decision to have them step down - Offer opportunities for remaining connected as participant
Room Exercise Part 1- Discuss tough conversations and how they were handled Part 2- Capture Best Demonstrated Practices
Room Exercise: Let’s Share Part 1-Discuss tough conversations and how they were handled Part 2- Capture Best Demonstrated Practices
Room Exercise Draw the diagram 1) What is in the circle of concern? 2) What is in the circle of influence?
Summary:U Make The Difference!
Any Final Thoughts?