Fall Quarter 2013 Am I ?
Extending Hospitality To My Brother Lesson 7 Sunday
Extending Hospitality To My Brother 1.What extra effort did the Shunammite couple to to in order to extend hospitality, according to 2 Kings 4:8-17? 2.What blessing (s) did they receive as a result? 3.3 rd John is written to commend Gaius for hospitality he had extended. What pressure had Gaius faced according to verses 9 & 10? 4.What attitude are we not to have as we extend hospitality, according to 1 Peter 4:9? What does this mean?
Extending Hospitality To My Brother 5.List some of the occasions found in the scriptures when hospitality was extended. 6.It takes cooperation between husband and wife for a couple to be hospitable. Do you agree? Discuss 7.What are some of the hindrances to hospitality? 8.What are some of the blessings enjoyed by hospitable people?
Extending Hospitality To My Brother 9.Read 2 John Under what conditions should one not extend hospitality? 10.Read Matthew 25: what in these verses suggests a connection between being hospitable and eternal salvation?
Fall Quarter 2013 Am I ?