Proposed IEEE Vtools Enabled Speaker Database Proposed by: Tim Schoenfelder, Sat Basu, Steve Kerchberger, Region 4 Meeting January 21, 2012
A set of Most Important Requirements (MIRS) was developed through coordination with Region 4 officers, several V-tools team members and a survey conducted on Sunday, March 7 th, 2010 at the IEEE annual meeting breakfast tables. Sections Congress 2011: –A Distinguished Lecturer representative at 2011 Sections Congress recommends a searchable database. –Khann Lu offered potential help with moderation application. Overview
Semi-auto population of Speaker Data via Speakers Speakers invited as a part of normal activities such as a checkbox during L31 submittal. Speakers allowed to submit/create profile without an invite. Speakers are not required to be IEEE Members. Volunteer support req’d only for content moderation. Speaker Data maintained by Speaker, enhancing Speaker Database Data Quality. One place to find all speakers: –Ability to Search the Speaker Database and metasearch other Speaker Databases. MIRS (Most Important Requirements)
Additional Requirements Identified Needs: –Global Scope (pilot may have R4 scope). –Auto notification ability if a speaker is presenting in within a configurable distance. –Autopopulate vTools meeting speaker info. Most important queries: –Topic –Distance –Metasearch configurable list of databases. Examples: IEEE PACE, Distinguished Lecturers, etc.
2010 IEEE Annual Meeting Survey Conclusions Smaller sections of lower population density and/or less members definitely want a speaker database. They desire help in finding speakers preferably close by. Larger sections are more interested in speaker quality/ranking. Larger sections have a need to for a backup speaker. NOTE: Remote presentations may help this issue. Larger sections have issues getting attendance at meetings. Several people desired the ability to be notified if a speaker was traveling close to their geographical area such that the speaker could also be scheduled for their section/chapter.
2010 IEEE Annual Meeting Survey Conclusions Officers expressed frustration at the lack of maintenance of various IEEE speaker databases as well as being able to find them. Examples: –One group described a PACE speaker database that has been abandoned or else removed such that it doesn’t exist anymore. –One or more groups expressed frustration about different IEEE speaker databases not being populated. Officers distinguished between technical and PACE speaker databases. Several expressed the desire to metasearch various or all IEEE speaker databases.
2010 IEEE Annual Meeting Survey ed Comments Sections do have some budget to pay for travel and expenses for outside speakers, but if they want more than two or so a year then it gets to be pretty expensive. What Sections would really like is to have a speaker database of more local speakers, in the Midwest, so they could have more technical meetings without a huge amount of expense. Recommended approaches for assembling a speakers database: –Provide a link to all societies distinguished lecturers –Show presentation topics that are available in person, online and available on DVD –List speakers in a relational database that can be sorted or searched by category, society affiliation or speaker name.
Expected Benefits Increased value of IEEE membership worldwide via more attainable presenters and presentations. Worldwide Impact (e.g. across geographies, member lifecycle, and/or industry sectors). Low Volunteer Involvement: –Speakers maintain and update their profiles. –Moderation semi-automatically done by IEEE award screening software? –Database invites while initiated by Section/Chapter officer are primarily automated.
vTools Synergies Speaker Invite - L31 checkbox and Speaker contact info in L31. Database Fields - Select the speaker/topic from the database to auto-populate a vTools announcement. Initial Population – special to section representatives with past vTools speakers for consideration. Architect Speaker Database and Search Engines to work seamlessly with vTools Global impact.
Thank You!