Starting Out on the Internet by M.D. Roblyer
Preface w Need the following two Items An Internet-Ready Computer An Internet Connection
Internet Addresses w URL w Correct Format of addresses w All the Extensions - (For w Common errors in URLs
Chapter Three –Search Engines w What is a search engine Regular search engines Meta-search engines Dogpile Ask Jeeves
Chapter Three –Search Engines w Two ways to use search engines Subject Index searches Key words
Which of the following is a correctly formatted address? EDIT 3318 # EDIT 3318 #
Incorrect To review
Information Back to question
Boolean Logic (Keyword Search Strategies) w And w Or w Not
Chapter Four – Bookmarks/Favorites w Bookmarks w Favorites
Chapter Five – Evaluating Internet Information w Content Known author Contact information Frequent updates References or links to other sites
Evaluating Internet Information w Design Good structure and organization Visual Design Easy Navigation Miscellaneous
Chapter Six – Avoiding Intenet Pitfalls Inappropriate materials Safety Issues for students Filtering Software
Chapter Six – Avoiding Intenet Pitfalls Fraud Computer viruses Copyright Issues for Educators
Chapter Seven - Downloading and Using Images w Why images are important w Downloading w Image formats gifjpeg bmpeps pdf pict tif
Chapter Eight – Downloading Programs and Plug-ins w Updated browser versions w Adobe Acrobat viewer plug-in w Streaming Video and audio player w Movie player
Chapter Nine – Internet Troubleshooting w 3 kinds of Errors Site connection failures Site features won’t work Memory errors
Chapter Ten – Integrating the Internet into Teaching w Strategies Electronic Penpals Individual and Cooperative Research Projects Mentoring
Integrating the Internet into Teaching Cont. Field Trips Group Development of Products Parallel Problem solving Social Action Projects
Create your own web site Why you would want a web site What you need to create a web site 8 phases - development
Eight Phases 1. Plan and Storyboard 2. Develop Pages with Text 3. Insert Images and Sounds 4. Insert Links and frames 5. Insert Interactive elements 6. Test in a browser 7. Publish (Upload) the site 8. Gather evaluation comments, revise, and maintain the site
Terms to know 1. Bookmarks 2. Favorites 3. Search Engines 4. Downloading 5. Uploading 6. URL 7. Filtering Software 8. Browser 9. Firewall Software 10. Virus 11. Telementoring 12. Keypal / e-pal 13. HTML