White Mulberry Morus Alba L. By: Rachel Finke
White Mulberry Classification: (1) KingdomPlantaePlants SubkingdomTracheobionteVascular Plants SuperdivisionSpermatophytaSeed Plants DivisionMagnoliophytaFlowering Plants ClassMagnoliopsidaDicotyledons SubclassHamamelididae OrderUrticales FamilyMoraceaeMulberry Family GenusMorus L.Mulberry SpeciesMorus Alba L.White Mulberry
White Mulberry Shape, Form and Type The White Mulberry rarely ever exceed 15 meters and are not smaller than 8 meters. The crown of this tree is very compacted. (2) Due to spreading branches, this tree has a very rounded crown. (3) Figure 1
Bark of the White Mulberry White Mulberry bark starts off as a smooth texture, but later becomes ridged. The bark is a lighter hue of brown. (3) Figure 2
Twig and Bud of a White Mulberry Twigs on a White Mulberry are the same color as the bark, light brown. (3) The twigs on these trees start off as hairy, then become smooth. (2) Figure 3
White Mulberry Leaf The White Mulberry has simple, light green leaves. They are alternate and are cordate at the base. Some leaves are unlobed, but leaves can also be almost palmate. (4) The top surface of these leaves are smooth with a present midrib. The margins are regularly serrate, and each leave is usually hairy. (2)
Flowers of the White Mulberry Male and Female flowers can be produced on the same or on separate trees. Flowers are tiny, green clusters. (3) Males flowers are about 2.5 millimeters long, and female flowers can be anywhere from fifteen to twenty-five millimeters long. (2) The top picture is of a female flower, and the bottom of a male. Figure 5 Figure 6
White Mulberry Fruit Fruit of this tree are black, but often change through the ripening process from light purple to white. (4) These fruits are long, edible and are not produced until late spring. If you ate one, you would find it was very sweet and juicy.(3) Some people even dry out these fruits for use in the winter. (4) Figure 7
Habitat, Range and Use of the White Mulberry You would not find a White Mulberry in busy areas, like a city. These trees like dry, warm areas the most. White Mulberry trees can be found in the East and Pacific states of the United States. (3) Figure 8
Uses of the White Mulberry Wood from the White Mulberry tree is mainly used for furniture. The fruits are used as food for many people, and the leaves make a great type of animal food. (4)
Text Reference 1. "PLANTS Profile for Morus alba (white mulberry) | USDA PLANTS." Welcome to the PLANTS Database | USDA PLANTS. N.p., n.d. Web. Classification: Morus Alba L. 24 June " Morus alba L. - Encyclopedia of Life." Encyclopedia of Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 June Society, National Audubon. "Mulberry Family." National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees--E: Eastern Region (Eastern). Chanticleer Press Ed ed. New York: Knopf, Print. 4. "Morus alba." FAO: FAO Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 June "The World´s Tree Species: White Mulberry tree - Morus alba." The World´s Tree Species. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 June
Figure Classification 1. White Mulberry. Full tree. June 24, White Mulberry. Bark. June 24, s/SM1_5elEbiI/AAAAAAAAB2c/HOik7aTrXIM/s1600-h/Morus+alba+bark.jpg 3. "Local Nature." Local Nature. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 June White Mulberry. Leaf. June 24, s/SM1_coa0mhI/AAAAAAAAB2E/bpg0ZwYHfeo/s1600-h/White+Mulberry+leaf.JPG 5. April 4,2007. Durham, NC. White Mulberry (Morus Alba) Detail of pistillate flowers. June 24, April 4,2007. White Mulberry (Morus Alba) Picture of male flower. June 24,
Figure Reference 7. White Mulberry Fruit. June 24, s/white%20mulberry_berry.jpg 8. USDA. NRCS. Plants Profile. Morus Alba L. White Mulberry. Distribution: Morus Alba L. June 24, MOAL