Classical India AP Information
Topics TradeTrade Technology/AchievementsTechnology/Achievements War/InvasionsWar/Invasions Cultural DiffusionCultural Diffusion Social HierarchySocial Hierarchy GenderGender
Trade Jains turned to commerce to avoid farmingJains turned to commerce to avoid farming Traded for gold with the Roman Empire; w/PersiansTraded for gold with the Roman Empire; w/Persians Asoka’s successors taxed goods sold by merchantsAsoka’s successors taxed goods sold by merchants Traded gems, spices, cotton, teak, & ebony for horses from Arabia & Central Asia; silk from ChinaTraded gems, spices, cotton, teak, & ebony for horses from Arabia & Central Asia; silk from China Emphasized trade more than ChinaEmphasized trade more than China Traded w/China, but had little impact; more with Middle East & MediterraneanTraded w/China, but had little impact; more with Middle East & Mediterranean Indian merchants traded cotton textiles and bronze statuaries via Indian OceanIndian merchants traded cotton textiles and bronze statuaries via Indian Ocean
Technology/Achievements Maurya: Asoka built roads, hospitals, veterinary clinicsMaurya: Asoka built roads, hospitals, veterinary clinics Gupta: arts & sciences flourishedGupta: arts & sciences flourished Gupta: developed principle of algebra, infinity, and concept of zero; “Arabic numerals”, negative numbers, square rootsGupta: developed principle of algebra, infinity, and concept of zero; “Arabic numerals”, negative numbers, square roots Astronomy: earth’s rotation around sun, circumference of earth & planets; gravityAstronomy: earth’s rotation around sun, circumference of earth & planets; gravity Stupas built by AshokaStupas built by Ashoka Panchatantra with “Sinbad the Sailor” and “Jack the Giant Killer”Panchatantra with “Sinbad the Sailor” and “Jack the Giant Killer” Medicine: set bones, performed operations, invented medical instruments; ethics, cleanlinessMedicine: set bones, performed operations, invented medical instruments; ethics, cleanliness Epic poems: Mahabharata (100,000 verses) & Ramayana (24,000 verses)Epic poems: Mahabharata (100,000 verses) & Ramayana (24,000 verses) UpanishadsUpanishads
Social Hierarchy Caste system made up of varnas: Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras, & PariahCaste system made up of varnas: Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras, & Pariah Only priests and warriors could recite the VedasOnly priests and warriors could recite the Vedas Priests replaced warriors at the top of the caste systemPriests replaced warriors at the top of the caste system Castes/varnas divided into jatis based on occupationCastes/varnas divided into jatis based on occupation Castes promoted tolerance; goes hand in hand with HinduismCastes promoted tolerance; goes hand in hand with Hinduism
War/Invasions 1500 B.C. - Aryan invasion (Indo-European hunter- herder migrants)1500 B.C. - Aryan invasion (Indo-European hunter- herder migrants) 500 B.C. – Persians under Darius I conquer Indus River valley500 B.C. – Persians under Darius I conquer Indus River valley 327. B.C. – Alexander the Great’s armies make it to the Indus River327. B.C. – Alexander the Great’s armies make it to the Indus River Asoka builds empire through war; renounces violence after much bloodshedAsoka builds empire through war; renounces violence after much bloodshed Kushans invade from northwestKushans invade from northwest Gupta – invasion of the Huns brings end to empireGupta – invasion of the Huns brings end to empire
Cultural Diffusion Buddhism spreads to other parts of Asia especially China, Japan, Korea, Middle East, & Sri LankaBuddhism spreads to other parts of Asia especially China, Japan, Korea, Middle East, & Sri Lanka Indian art influenced ChinaIndian art influenced China Symbols for 1-9 adopted by traders from Middle East; became Arabic numerals that we use todaySymbols for 1-9 adopted by traders from Middle East; became Arabic numerals that we use today Hinduism influence spreads to surrounding areas (Angkor Wat in Cambodia is dedicated to Vishnu)Hinduism influence spreads to surrounding areas (Angkor Wat in Cambodia is dedicated to Vishnu) Hellenistic culture transferred to India through Alex the Great’s armiesHellenistic culture transferred to India through Alex the Great’s armies Stoicism stimulated by Buddhist emissaries to Middle EastStoicism stimulated by Buddhist emissaries to Middle East
Gender Men dominated the Aryan world (patriarchal) -Men dominated the Aryan world (patriarchal) - Aryan women had choice of choosing husband;Aryan women had choice of choosing husband; Indian women could remarry if widowed; took part on social affairs; high ranking boys and girls could attend school; were educated in household tasksIndian women could remarry if widowed; took part on social affairs; high ranking boys and girls could attend school; were educated in household tasks Status of women declines after Aryans arriveStatus of women declines after Aryans arrive Gupta- women & mothers highly respected, but had little independenceGupta- women & mothers highly respected, but had little independence