Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013 Grundtvig Adult Education and other Education Pathways.


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Presentation transcript:

Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig Adult Education and other Education Pathways

Integrated Lifelong Learning Programme Comenius School education Erasmus Higher education & advanced training Leonardo da Vinci Initial and continuing VET Grundtvig Adult education Transversal programme 4 key activities – Policy development; Language learning; ICT; Dissemination Jean Monnet programme 3 key activities – Jean Monnet Action; European Institutions; European Associations

Grundtvig Aims To respond to the educational challenge of an ageing population in Europe To help provide adults with pathways to improving their knowledge and competences

Operational Objectives To improve the quality and accessibility of mobility throughout Europe of people involved in adult education To improve the quality and to increase the volume of co-operation between organisations involved in adult education throughout Europe To assist people from vulnerable social groups and in marginal social contexts, in particular older people and those who have left education without basic qualifications, in order to give them alternative opportunities to access adult education

Operational Objectives Cont. To facilitate the development of innovative practices in adult education and their transfer, including from a participating country to others To support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning To improve pedagogical approaches and the management of adult education organisations

Target Public Learners in adult education Institutions and organisations providing learning opportunities in adult education Teachers and other staff within those institutions or organisations Establishments involved in the initial or further training of adult education staff Associations and representatives of those involved in adult education, including learners’ and teachers’ associations

Target public Bodies providing guidance, counselling and information services relating to any aspect of adult education Persons and bodies responsible for systems and policies concerning any aspect of adult education at local, regional and national level Research centres and bodies concerned with adult education issues Enterprises Not-for-profit organisations, voluntary bodies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs)NGOs Higher education institutions

Activities supported by Grundtvig Grundtvig In –Service Training Grundtvig Partnership Projects Multilateral Projects Grundtvig Networks

Centralised Actions Grundtvig Multilateral Projects (development/innovation of concrete results /products) Grundtvig Thematic Networks (common platform for discussion and exchange of information on key issues, policy shaping and/or research) Deadline for both actions 30 th March 2007 Please contact The Executive Agency directly for further information on how to participate in a Centralised Action -

Decentralised actions Grundtvig In –Service Training Grundtvig Partnership Projects

Grundtvig In-Service Training Mobility to undertake training courses in other participating countries Training may include work shadowing and work placements Courses can be sourced on Comenius/Grundtvig Database Courses are intended to cover areas of adult education methodology, language training and/or aspects of European interculturalism

Who may Participate? The grants are available to staff working with adults, part time or Full time, which may include volunteer staff, in any sector of adult education, formal, non-formal or informal, including; Teachers / trainers working with adults, and the trainers of such teachers / trainers; Heads and managerial staff of institutions providing adult learning opportunities or remedial education; Staff involved in intercultural adult education, or working with migrant workers and travellers Staff working with adults with special educational needs Staff working with adults at risk, for example mediators and street educators Counsellors or street advisors The inspectorate Other education staff at the discretion of national authorities

Who may Participate? For a grant for language teacher training, applicants must be one of the following; A qualified and practising foreign language teacher working in adult education; A trainer of such foreign language teachers; A teacher re-training as an adult education foreign language teacher An adult education teacher of another subject through a foreign language An inspector or advisor in the field of adult education language learning.

Who may Participate? For a grant for pure language training, applicants must be one of the following; An adult education teacher of non-language subjects through a foreign language A teacher retraining as an adult education foreign language teacher A member of staff participating in a Grundtvig Partnership and requesting training in a Partnership language A member of adult education staff requesting training in a less widely taught and less used language for teaching purposes

Criteria The criteria to be considered in the context of Grundtvig In-Service are: - Applicants who have not previously been in receipt of European funding Applicants who show that they have a clear multiplier capacity and willingness to disseminate the results of their in-service activity Applicants who demonstrate how the activity will contribute to his/her professional development; Applicants interested in widening the provision of language activities in their own working environment; The applicant’s capacity to contribute to the development of other projects within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme Applicants applying for training developed under the Lifelong Learning Programme (or predecessor)

In Service Training Grant Travel (100%) Economy/Apex Course/conference fees will be funded on the basis of real costs and up to a maximum of €150 per day for courses lasting up to 5 full working days. A percentage contribution to the course fee of €150 per day will be awarded for courses that run for longer than one week. Subsistence (to be agreed)

Application Procedure Applications must be made directly to Léargas Applications must be fully completed/ signed/stamped etc Deadlines: 30 th March/ 31 st May/31 st Oct 2007 Application forms available from the website

Grundtvig Partnership Projects In a Grundtvig Partnership, learners and adult education staff from at least three participating countries work together around small-scale joint projects on a specific theme of common interest. This can involve the organisation of conferences, exhibitions and visits in order to exchange experiences, practices and methods.

Partnership Project Activity Partner meetings and seminars between all institutions in the Partnership Exchanges of staff and learners involved in the project activities Exchanges of experience and good practice by all appropriate means in particular using Information Technology ( e.g. website, , video conferencing) Dissemination of project experience and outcomes

Partner finding Contact Seminars and Preparatory Visits Grants of up to 1,000 available Apply directly to Léargas Not more than one person per institution Grant covers travel, accommodation & subsistence and in the case of contact seminars the seminar fee

Partner finding Database PARTBASE is an EU database on the internet for schools and colleges seeking suitable partners for projects and exchanges: The Norwegian National Agency also have a partner finding database A similar type of database can be found on British Councils website at

Grundtvig Partnerships - LLP Application Deadline 30 th March 2007 New projects apply for 2 years 1 year renewals (for projects of 2 yr duration) 2 year renewals ( for projects of 3 yr duration)

Funding – Lumpsums 1 year renewal projects Small Partnerships – 2 mobilities - €5,000 Large Partnerships- 6 mobilities -€10,000 2 year new or renewal projects Small Partnerships – 4 mobilities -€10,000 Large Partnerships-12 mobilities -€18,000

Preparing Applications Please refer to the Lifelong Learning 2007 General Call for Proposals for European priorities 2008 Year of Intercultural Dialogue National priorities

Preparing Applications Priority will also be given regardless of theme of project to work plans which include specific measures to; Actively involve adult learners through out the project (planning, implementation, evaluation); Help persons with a disability or other special needs take part in the project; Help learners or organisations disadvantaged for socio-economic, geographic or other reasons to take part in the project; Make sure that men and women have equal access to the project.

National Priorities Proposals that address one or more of the following themes will be encouraged (not in order of priority): Literacy and numeracy Developing/promoting outreach strategies to reach those marginalised from learning and approaches around introducing adults to learning and a love of learning Developing strategies around promoting and building working partnerships between the formal and non-formal sectors on various key aspects of adult education such as outreach/community education/access to formal education Health

For further information and support Contact: Denise Shannon May Diamond Check out our website