P5 Work Package 5 - Dissemination (WP5) Overall responsibility to ensure the timely achievement of the targets and deliverables for this WP – page 19 Recipe.


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Presentation transcript:

P5 Work Package 5 - Dissemination (WP5) Overall responsibility to ensure the timely achievement of the targets and deliverables for this WP – page 19 Recipe – Regional Education Centres In Pedagogical Europe A comenius multilateral project

Dissemination pag 36 As detailed in WP 5, part G, our dissemination and exploitation plan incorporates the 5 strategic levels recommended for EU education and culture programmes As WP5 shows, we adopt the full dissemination tool kit, beginning with 1- project leaflets to raise initial awareness within immediate and associated communities of practice and We suggest: – We can “draw” a template – the content of the leaflet will be produced by all 2- developing a range of other documentary materials to promote our outputs as they are developed. We suggest: – Send us all the materials and we do organize it and send to Norway to post on webpage if appropriate or other available format (articles on newspapers,...)

Dissemination pag 36 As detailed in WP 5, part G, our dissemination and exploitation plan incorporates the 5 strategic levels recommended for EU education and culture programmes As WP5 shows, we adopt the full dissemination tool kit, beginning with 3 - We have found that the key to dissemination is an attractive, up to date, and easily navigable project website signposted from links to other websites – We suggest: – work more closely with P1. They have expertise on previous projects – Sail, Core, and from more conventional printed leaflets. They are later distributed through partner’s mailing lists to target groups in their networks and cascaded outwards to members of their networks. Development and maintenance of the project website is allocated with appropriate resource to those partners with the appropriate expertise. We suggest: – We can “draw” a template – the content of the leaflet will be produced by all 5 - Contracting out is employed to ensure the specialised professional production of attractive and highly effective DVD case studies of best practice as central elements of the dissemination process

Dissemination 6 - We have also enjoyed considerable past success in disseminating project findings and products through organising an international conference towards the end of the project. Partners will support each other and provide complementary expertise in the collaborative production of the range of articles and other publications, briefing notes etc specified in the deliverables for the dissemination work package (Part G -WP5, below)

Deliverable number - 15 Type of outputs / products / results – Promotion and Marketing Materials Delivery date – September 2014 Delivery date refers to the date by which all such materials will have been produced and distributed. Intermediate dates are numerous and determined by need to publicize and promote project training courses, website, conference, etc. major items include: Paper and web-based versions of course brochure in all EU countries. Available initially in English for two courses delivered within project lifetime Web-based promotional brochure and introductory guide to project website and its products in the language of each partner, suitable for download, priniting and dissemination. – We suggest: we are waiting for publicity materials such as information about the courses, project activities, papers for all the partners and we can organize and post them on the webpage

Deliverable number - 16 Type of outputs / products / results – Dissemination Materials Delivery date – October 2016 In English and partner languages: 3 RECIPE-based articles published in refereed and other academic and professional journals; 30 Presentations/potential publications at/for conferences and symposia organised by partners and/or members of their networks; 20 Print and Web based publications such as textbook chapters, educational pamphlets and best practice guides based on project products such as course handbooks or other elements.

Deliverable number - 17 Title – European RECIPE conference Delivery date – October 2016 To present the project's findings and outcomes in conjunction with key-note speakers and policy makers from the field of education- Particular focus on the case-studies and other work within partner’s local networks. Members of the latter will be key participants and co-presenters with the partners providing, inter alia, accounts and analyses of their own experience as RECIPE implementers in schools. Several hundred delegates are expected to attend from across Europe. We suggest – we can organize the conference

Deliverable number - 18 Title – EU RECIPE website Delivery date – October 2016 « RECIPEs for European Success in reducing ESL » will be a renewable and sustainable website, publicly available during and after the project's lifetime it is: 1. A means of communication and dissemination linking partners, local networks and their networks 2. A resource base for wider and more effective RECIPE implementation 3. An EU-wide forum for discussion and development of RECIPE theory and practice 4. A host for the project’s and other products for RECIPE support and training