D IFFERENCES BETWEEN M IDDLE S CHOOL AND H IGH S CHOOL Four 9-weeks = 4 report cards Midterms = every 4 ½ weeks Averaged yearly grades Electives change every 9 weeks Promotion based on yearly grades Two semesters (18 weeks each) = 2 report cards Progress Reports = every 6 weeks Electives are full year Promotion based on total credits Middle SchoolHigh School
H OW YOU EARN CREDITS SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 1. English 1 =.5 2. Integrated S.S. =.5 3. Integrated Science=.5 4. Math =.5 5. Fresh 101/Health =.5 6. Elective =.5 7. Elective =.5 8. Elective =.5 4 credits 1. English 1 =.5 2. Integrated S.S. =.5 3. Integrated Science =.5 4. Math =.5 5. PE =.5 6. Elective =.5 7. Elective =.5 8. Elective =.5 4 credits
C REDITS N EEDED TO G RADUATE English - 4 credits Math - 4 credits Science - 3 credits Social Studies - 3 credits Health/ P.E. – 1 credit Humanities – 1 credit Electives – 10 credits Total = 26 credits 26 credits = Diploma in May 2014!
W HAT YOU NEED TO TAKE 9 th Grade 10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade English 1English 2English 3English 4 Algebra 1GeometryAlgebra 2Math Elective Int. ScienceInt. Sci 2Biology(Chemistry) Int. SSWorld Civ.U.S.HistoryElective PE/101Health/101HumanitiesElective Elective Elective ElectiveElective
W HAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF A H IGH S CHOOL T RANSCRIPT ? A transcript is like a report card, it shows your grades and percentages in each class. Your middle school report card promoted you to high school and is seldom referred to again. Your high school transcript is submitted to colleges, employment agencies, military personnel and technical sc hools.
T HE I MPORTANCE OF T RANSCRIPTS, CONT ’ D A transcript says a lot about the type of person you are. It is a reflection of you on paper!
G RADE P OINT A VERAGES At the end of each semester/year you will receive a weighted and unweighted GPA (Grade Point Average). An unweighted GPA is based on a 4.0 scale: A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C= 2.0 D= 1.0 F=0 A weighted GPA gives you an extra point for each advanced class that you take. For each grade that you receive in an advanced class, you get an extra point.
R EASONS TO DO WELL IN H IGH S CHOOL Graduate Driver’s License KEES Money Scholarships Achieve future goals
W HAT HAPPENS AFTER H IGH S CHOOL ? Everyone will need some type of training. Technical school Cosmetology school Military: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines 2 year college 4 year college
W HY COME SEE YOUR COUNSELOR ? Academic Progress- grades Personal problems- peers, family, teachers Concern for another student Discuss future goals and career options Scheduling classes Confidentiality is practiced
H ELP IN THE COUNSELING OFFICE 9 th Grade Counselor- Majors A-Di Mrs. Bruce Do- K- Mr. Waldrop L-R- Mr. Schlick S-Z- Ms. Oliver Social Worker- Mr. Clark Family Resource Center – Ms. Davis
A TTENDANCE If you miss school due to illness, you must bring in a doctor’s note or a note from your parent/guardian in order for it to be an excused absence (parents may only write 10 excused absence notes). If you need to check out early for a doctor/dentist appointment, you must check out in the attendance office and provide a doctor’s note when you return to school (even if it is the next school day). Absences without a note, will be unexcused. You may not be able to make up class work due to the unexcused absence.