Part 1: September-November 2014 Whenever you see a speaker icon, click on it to hear a little more information College Kick-Off Area Leadership Programs College Application Month Text Messaging Campaign 1Louisiana GEAR UP LA GEAR UP 1 st Semester Review
College Kick-off Out of 4,603 LA GEAR UP students, 3,834 attended Kick-off events. Click here to read an article about College Kick-off in the Shreveport Times.Shreveport Times 2Louisiana GEAR UP
Area Leadership Programs (ALPs) LOSFA Loop, pg. 8-9, Nov students and Explorers’ Club sponsors met in September for training to facilitate Explorers’ Clubs and State Officer elections. Grambling, LSUA, and SUBR partnered with LA GEAR UP to host and facilitate ALP events. 3Louisiana GEAR UP
College Application Month LOSFA Loop, pg. 4-7, Nov Every LA GEAR UP school held a College Application Month event either individually or during other school events such as homecoming. 4Louisiana GEAR UP
LOSFA Launches Texting Campaign LA GEAR UP began text messaging on with a welcome message. Later messages reminded students to register for the ACT. To date, LA GEAR UP has sent text messages to 2,841 students; 35 opted out, and 15 asked for help. LOSFA Loop, pg. 3, Nov Louisiana GEAR UP
6 LA GEAR UP 1 st Semester Review: Looking Forward Part 2: December 2014 – May 15, 2015
FERPA Forms The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) provides certain rights to parents of students under 18 years old concerning the privacy of, and access to, the child’s personally identifiable information, including Educational Records. Except as otherwise permitted by law, no educational agency may disclose any personally identifiable information contained in your child’s files without your signed and written consent unless a specific exception is provided in FERPA. FERPA Louisiana GEAR UP7
Rewards for Success Scholarships RFS applications are due on January 31, As of now, data sheets will not be necessary. 8Louisiana GEAR UP
Explorers’ Club Leadership Summit Does the date work? (March 12-14) Do you prefer a one-night event or a weekend event? Leave room in your budget for transportation & substitutes What topics would you like to see addressed? – How to responsibly use a credit card – How to live on a fixed budget – How to put together a resume – How to make the most of office hours – Understanding a syllabus – Avoiding the Freshman 15 – Other Please only bring students who have been accepted to college, as the event will focus on the college-bound. 9Louisiana GEAR UP
FLY Tour March March Be sure to save money in your budget to transport students to regional FLY events. The FLY Tour is a dynamic theatrical presentation using poetry, music, and drama to address topics relevant to college-bound high school seniors. 10Louisiana GEAR UP
College Acceptance Day As a follow-up to College Application Month events, LA GEAR UP would like to recognize students who have been accepted to college. What we need from you: – Award ceremony dates – Student names and colleges to which students have been accepted – Inclusion in Award ceremonies 11Louisiana GEAR UP
Budget Updates In advance of the webinar, each district will be provided an updated budget reflecting 1 st Quarter expenses There are no carry-over funds in a NCE year, so it’s imperative that schools spend down or reduce their budgets in conversation with LA GEAR UP Remember to save $ for transportation to and from FLY Tour events, the Explorers’ Club Summit, substitute teachers, and college application fees to colleges that do not accept fee waivers 12Louisiana GEAR UP
News Summer Camps: > Summer Camps The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation provides $1,500 to $40,000 scholarships to children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen who served with Marines. Awards are based on postsecondary enrollment and financial need. Preference is given to students whose parents have been killed or wounded in action. Applications will be accepted from to for the academic year. Visit to qualify. 13Louisiana GEAR UP