The African Kingdoms and City-States Song By: Justin Fogt Carson Hand Stephen Skinner Dana Sutton Tyler Allen Sue Watson / Northside HS [
The rise of Kingdoms in Europe was helped by iron-smelting and Africa adopted Islam The Kingdom of Ghana was the 1 st one to trade and became one of the richest civilizations Salt was used in food and Islam had a big impact in the relationship of Ghanaian Traders And finally Ghana’s empire ended and they got attacked by the Almoravids
African Kingdoms and City States this is a Song about them
Mali was a small state broke away from Ghana had a ruler named Sundiata Keita He organized an army gave food to all the people moved his capital to strengthen different groups He restored Saharan trade routes burned grass in the savannas and agriculture did real good He used colorful ceremonies never spoke to the people he went through he servants ‘cuz he could
Mansa Musa was the greatest king he opened up trade routes and to Mali he introduced Islam He supported the hajj, gave gold bars to the poor people, Timbuktu was his palace, only superiors could read Ibn Battuta was a trader and author his final journey brought him to Mali and Timbuktu In 1330 Mali was attacked by the Berbers and it split into independent states
African Kingdoms and City States this is a Song a song about them African Kingdoms and City States this is a Song a Song about them
The Kingdom of Songhai had skilled traders, farmers, and fishers It became the largest West-African trading Kingdom, Sunni Ali was one of the rulers He captured Timbuktu and Djenne adopted legal practices maintained an army with armor, camels, and horses He was a Muslim when he died his kingdom fell to a non-Muslim but the population overthrew the courses
Askia Muhammad was the next ruler under him the Songhai Empire reached its height He welcomed teachers, doctors, poets, students, and religious leaders the Songhai Empire he divided Each province had a governor, a tax collector, a court of judges, and a trade inspector Muhammad introduced laws based the teachings from the Quran that’s what its for
African Kingdoms and City States this is a song a song about them
Coastal city-states traded with Arabian Peninsula and South Asians They used monsoons to sail across the ocean Arab and Persian merchants to the coast they ran Started settling in Madagascar port of Kilwa had control of gold trade and they collected heavy taxes Kilwa over powered city-states and iron was widely used & traders searched for riches
By 1300’s there were multiculture city- states Islamic and African cultures blended Many Africans switched to Islam and wives of Arab merchants were converted African Islamic families spoke Swahili and they developed Arab form of writing East African rulers were either Arabic of African and they used coral from the reefs to make buildings
African Kingdoms and City States this is a Song a song about them
East Africa’s trading kingdoms and city states began to grow Bantu speaking inland kingdoms mined copper and gold Great Zimbabwe’s population exploded and made folks leave their homes They formed the Kingdom of Karanga and they needed to defend what they owned
Kings built a fortress for politics and religion and it stood 30 feet tall Bantu struggled in war and Karanga territories split to Southern and Monomatapa European explorers came to the East African coast and the Changmire Empire fell And on the Southern tip of Africa in the Western part lived Khonikhoi and San
African Kingdoms and City States this is a Song a song about them