CORE 2: Information systems and Databases INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND DATABASES
The aim of all information systems is to produce information from data for use by the systems' end-users. The end user analyses this information to gain knowledge. There are different types of and purposes for information systems, including systems used to: – process transactions – provide users with information about an organisation – help decision-making – manage information used within an organisation INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND DATABASES
To produce such information requires all the information processes however two of these processes are of particular significance – ORGANISATION and STORAGE & RETIREVAL In this CORE topic we will explore these processes as they occur within databases and also hyper media. Go to page 107 of your text and consider the question at the bottom of the page… INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND DATABASES
In this topic we will look at… Examples of Database Information Systems Three commonly used methods for organizing and storing/retrieving data from within an information system 1) Flatfile databases (non-computer examples also) 2) Relational databases 3) Hypermedia or Hyper Text Issues relating to the use of Information Systems and Databases INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND DATABASES
The syllabus highlights the following three examples of databases information systems… school databases holding information on teachers, subjects, classrooms and students the Roads and Traffic Authority holding information on automobiles and holders of drivers licenses video stores holding information on borrowers and videos Before we look at these examples we should remind ourselves of what makes up an information system. EXAMPLES OF DATABASE INFORMATION SYSTEMS
An information system is a system whose primary purpose is to process data into information. This data is collected, processed using various resources of the system and finally the resulting information is output. In any Information system we find the following… The environment, the boundary, the purpose, information processes and resources. INFORMATION SYSTEMS
The Environment The environment of a system is the circumstances and conditions that surround an information system. Everything that influences or is influenced by the system Eg. Room 32 is an information System here at the College. The environment is the College itself. INFORMATION SYSTEMS
The Boundary The boundary of a system is the delineation between a system and its environment. The boundary defines what is part of the system and what is part of the environment. Eg. Room 32 is an information System here at the College. The boundary of the Room 32 Information System would be the physical classroom. Internal to the classroom is the system, external the environment. INFORMATION SYSTEMS
The Purpose The purpose of an Information system is a statement identifying who the system is for and what it intends to achieve. The purpose should be stated clearly and in achievable and measurable terms. Determining a purpose involves – 1.Identify the people whose needs the info system should meet. 2.Formulate a list of needs that the info system should realize. 3.Translate these needs into objectives that form the purpose. INFORMATION SYSTEMS
Information Processes (C)ollection (O)rganising (A)nalysing (S)torage and Retreival (P)rocessing (T)ransmitting and Receiving (D)isplaying These are the all Information Processes and together these seven activities are what is needed to transform data into information. INFORMATION SYSTEMS
Information Processes Contd. A definition of the Information Processes would be… What needs to be done to transform data into useful information. These activities coordinate and direct the systems resources to meets its stated purpose INFORMATION SYSTEMS
Resources - Participants When we refer to Participants there are actually two classes of people here. 1.Users 2.Participants Users are the people who view or use the information output from an information system Participants are the people who carry out or initiate information processes within an information system INFORMATION SYSTEMS
Resources - DATA/Information Data is the raw material used for Information Processes and Information is the output of the system that gives the user knowledge. Most data itself comes from another system or process and the information output from one system might be the data for another. INFORMATION SYSTEMS
Resources - Information Technology IT is the hardware and software used by an information system to carry out its information processes. Information Technology is all of the tools used to assist an information system to carry out its information processes. Hardware is physical equipment whilst software is the instructions used to coordinate the operation of the hardware. INFORMATION SYSTEMS
EXERCISE: Print out 2 blank ‘information system’ diagrams from the previous slide. For each of the two examples the syllabus talks about identify the individual components from your text. Stick these into your notes under the heading ‘EXAMPLES of Database Information Systems’ School Timetable System – pge 108 – 112 Roads and Traffic Authority – pge 113 – 115 Complete the HSC style question on page 116 for the Video Store example. We will do part b together on the board… EXAMPLES OF DATABASE INFORMATION SYSTEMS