Spiritual World and Physical World
2 1.Does the Spiritual World exist? Basic Questions?
3 Spiritual World Physical World (Heaven) (Earth) Finite, temporary: Limited by time & space Object Horizontal Infinite, eternal: Transcends time & space SubjectVertical External form Internal nature God Man From the Principle of Creation… The Dual Structure of the Universe Body Mind
4 Interest in the Spiritual Realm
5 Examples of Spiritual Phenomena 1.ESP – Extra-sensory-perception 2.Auras 3.Telepathy 4.Clairvoyance 5.Psychic healing 6.Mind over matter 7.Mediums and channeling
6 Bhagavad Gita 2: “No one can bring to an end the spirit which is everlasting. …the eternal in man cannot die…he does not die when the body dies.”
7 Dhammapada 4:46 He who knows that this body is the foam of a wave, the shadow of a mirage, he breaks the sharp arrows of MARA.
8 Ecclesiastes 12:7... and the dust (physical body) returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
9 Koran 87:16-19 Behold, you prefer the life of this world; but the Hereafter is better and more enduring.
10 Adi Granth, pg. 188 Man wails over the loss of what he calls his; Know, the self is not perishable.
11 1.Does the Spiritual World exist? Answer: “Yes.” 2.Then, how does it relate with me? Basic Questions?
12 You begin a trip by asking, “Where am I going?” You start with the final destination in mind.
13 The final destination of life is death. Everyone dies ! What happens after I die?
① Microcosm ② Owner ③ Mediator Man’s Position in the Two Worlds 14
15 + Microcosm = Small Cosmos PLANNING CREATING Original Pattern Last Creation Decreasing Complexity Increasing Complexity
16 Physical Self Owner of Physical World Physical World Five Physical Senses
17 Spiritual World Owner of Spiritual World Spiritual Self Five Spiritual Senses
18 Physical World Spiritual World Mediator
19 The Spirit Self needs the physical body to grow.
Relationship Between Physical Self & Spiritual Self Vitality Elements Life Elements Air, Sunlight Food, Water Physical Self Spiritual Self Actions Of Physical Body Principle and love God 20
Spiritual Growth Requires a Physical Body Actions of Physical Body Vitality Elements One Life Eternal Life Eternal Life 21
22 Srimaladevisimhanada Sutra “His body is nourished by food: his spirit is nourished by teaching and experience.” (TB, pg. 41)
23 I Corinthians 15:44 It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body….
24 Quran 6:164 Each soul is responsible for its own actions; no soul will bear the burden of another.
25 Bhagavad Gita 2:22 As a man leaves an old garment and puts on one that is new, the Spirit leaves his mortal body and then puts on one that is new.
26 Adi Granth, pg 22 “Deal only in that commodity which shall accompany you after death."
Growth of Human Heart Parental Love Mutual Love Responsive Love R e s p o n s i b i l i t y Completion Growth Formation Divine Spirit Life Spirit Form Spirit Physical body Environment for spiritual growth: Family of True Love Kingdom of Heaven Paradise (Luke 23: 43) Form-level spiritual world 27
Spiritual Love Eternity Earth Air ± 90 yrs. Womb Liquid 9 months Preparation for physical life Preparation for the spirit word Eternal happiness attending God Three Phases of Life 28
Conclusion: We need to live lives of goodness because the spirit world exists.
30 Thank you !