Community Based Environmental Chemical Analysis Community Based Environmental Chemical Analysis A Partnership Between: +Seneca Babcock Good Neighbor Committee +University at Buffalo +Environment and Society Institute +Department of Chemistry +SBK Environmental Research +Buffalo Color Corporation +Ecology and Environment, Inc. +E 3 Killam, Inc. +NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation +NYS Dept. of Health
Community Based Environmental Chemical Analysis +Overview of History of Project +Goals for Present Work +Risk Assessment: Education, TRI and Sampling Strategy +Risk Presentation for Community +Air Sampling: Design and Results +Current Sampling Plans
Goals ¶Develop four to five chemical analysis technologies for use in common environmental problems. ·Calibrate using standard EPA/OSHA/NIOSH/DEC methodology. ¸Correlate with professional analysis from Ecology and Environment. ¹Consult with DEC and local government about the sue of the service and experiences of the students. ºMake results “certifiable” and credible. » Pilot approach in year 1 on a known site (Houghton/ Stachowski Park). Extend to community problems in year 2 (Seneca Babcock)
Methods Developed
Seneca Babcock Houghton Park - Kaisertown
Worthington Compressor Houghton Academy Parking Lot Site
Accomplishments ¶Consulted broadly with DEC, City of Buffalo Office for the Environment and others; chose Stachowski Park site, previously studied by DEC. ·Developed field sampling strategy based on previous DEC Sampling. ¸Developed analyses for metals, elements and semivolatile organics, pesticide residues and applied them to 12 samples ¹Ecology and Environment verified results from subset of samples for lead and semivolatiles organics. ºReported to City of Buffalo Environmental Management Commission, Nov 12, » Current semester: Cooperation in air sampling study in Seneca Babcock neighborhood: consult with community.
Buffalo Color Corp PVS Chem
Results - Method Development Seneca Babcock ESI Program + GC-MS Method for VOC’s +Adapted T01/T02 +calibrated with VOC/Water Standard +sixty compounds at 8ppm +detected 27 compounds +Tested Samplers in Lab with Benzene Toluene Exposure - detected both. +Formaldehyde NIOSH Method
Results - Sampling Seneca Babcock ESI Program +Three rounds of Passive Badge Sampling + over 80 samples taken +Two rounds of Passive Formaldehyde Badge Sampling + over 30 samples taken +Participant Sampling Agreements +Sampling Notebook for Participants
Community Based Environmental Chemical Analysis Current Sampling Plans +Soil Study of School 26 Playground +Metals, Semi Volatiles +Followup from DOH Study +Aniline and Ammonia Tracking from BCC +Cooperation for Batch/Grab Sampling +Sulfur Dioxide, PVS and Thruway +Method Development +Comparison to Clinton Street DEC Sampling
Public Meetings and Reports +Regular Meetings at Seneca Babcock Community Center +Seneca Babcock Good Neighbor Committee +City of Buffalo Environmental Management Commission +Public Meeting: Worst Case Scenario - Buffalo Color (February 17, 1999) +Followup with Allied Buffalo Research Laboratory +Valley Community Center +Dudley Branch Library +Proposed EPA EMPACT Proposal: City of Buffalo, ESI, SBGNC, BCC, Allied as partners Community Based Environmental Chemical Analysis