COOPERATIVE ENTERPRISES EMPOWER WOMEN By: D.Tsendsuren “Ur jims” cooperative National Association of Mongolian Agricultural Cooperatives
Territory 1.6 million square kilometers Population – 2.7 million Least densely populated country in the world Density – 1.5/km Landlocked country with average altitude of 1500 m above sea level Surrounded by high mountain chains, Mongolia has an extreme continental climate Average summer temperature is +20 C o, winter is -30C MONGOLIA
Khovd is one of the 21 provinces, very remote place located in the west of the country Territory thousand sq. km Population – 82.2 thousand, households – 20.3 thousand Density – 1.17/km Khovd is distinguished by its multi-cultur al population. It is home to more than 17 nationalities and ethnicities Khovd is notorious for its harsh weather cycles, as temperatures regularly reach as high as 35 degrees Celsius and as lo w as −30 degrees Celsius KHOVD PROVINCE
National Association of Mongolian Agricultural Cooperatives The National Association of Mongolian Agricultural Cooperatives /NAMAC/ is a non-governmental organ ization which was re-organized by its First General Assembly in January The Supreme Council of Agricultural Cooperatives the precursor of NAMAC was founded in NAMAC has: 21 provincial associations 8 secondary cooperatives 400 primary cooperatives Above 100 thousands members
“UR JIMS” cooperative Established in 1999 with 10 members, who are single mums Started with 2,5 million tugrugs (MNT) In 2010 this fund increased to 85 million MNT 2011 – 35 members out of which 32 are women
“UR JIMS” cooperative Main activities of the cooperative are: Forestation Fruit tree plantation Fruit processing Seedling nursery “Ur jims” cooperative produces: 7.5 tones sea buckthorn 1.5 tones gooseberry sea buckthorn seedlings other green house plants every year
Advantages of the cooperative Permanent activities Regular increased members' income Members’ active participation Market recognized high quality product Good leadership – member’s mutual solidarity and trust in their leaders and their ability and willingness to make the cooperative business successful Empowers women economically and socially
Eco-friendly activities One of the cooperative’s main goals is to afforest the region Started with tree saplings in 1 hectare Past 12 years coop has regenerated 360 hectares of wasteland and have planted over 2.1 million trees New varieties of trees were introduced in the region in 92 hectares a nd called their place “Green wall”
Eco-friendly activities Cooperative by this activities fights against desertific ation, helps to balance the eco-system and protects the environment 90% of Mongolian territory can be regarded as vulne rable to desertification These areas are almost exclusively used rangelands, supporting about 40 million heads of livestock and numerous populations of wild animals
Concern for the community Supports local poor families by distributing free berry tree seedlings Technical assistance to handle growth and take care of them 20 families of the community today grows berry trees, with the help of the cooperativ e members, as a source for the some inco me
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