Mitigation of Crashes At Unsignalized Rural Intersections IDS Quarterly Meeting June 14-5, 2004 Providing Intersection Decision Support for the Driver:
Addressing Rural Intersection Safety Issues: u The primary problem at rural intersections involves a driver on the minor road selecting an unsafe gap in the major road traffic stream. u Consider study of 1604 rural intersections (2- lane roadways, Thru/STOP intersection control only, no medians) over 2+ year period.
Addressing Rural Intersection Safety Issues u Analyzed 768 right angle crashes on 409 different intersections. u Nearly 60% occur after vehicle on the minor roadway stops u Approximately 25% involved vehicle running through the STOP sign. Source: Howard Preston CH2MHill … i.e. problem is one of gap selection, NOT intersection recognition
Recognized National Problem u NCHRP Report 500: Vol. 5 Unsignalized Intersections v Identifies objectives and strategies for dealing with unsignalized intersections v Objective Assist drivers in judging gap sizes at Unsignalized Intersections v High speed, at grade intersections Guidelines for Implementation of AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan
Minnesota Focus u Rural unsignalized intersections: v High-speed corridors v Through stop intersections u Traffic surveillance technologies (& on-site validation) u Gap detection/estimation (& on-site validation) u Human interface design (& simulator evaluation) u Goal - Results from above to lead to next phase: v Approval of DII by MUTCD National Committee for DII v National Field Operational Test:
IDS Program u Tasks v A. Crash Analysis v B. Enabling Research Surveillance systems: Test and eval at isxn Experimental Intersection Design, Construction, and Implementation Human Factors: Eval in driving simulator v C. Benefit:Cost Analysis v D. System Design
Task A: Crash Analysis u Analysis of present conditions and intersections u Identification of Experimental Site: Minnesota Crash Data Analysis 3,784 Thru-STOP Isxns in MN Hwy System were evaluated Total > CR (% of total) 2-Lane - 3,388 | 104 (~ 3%) Expressway | 23 (~ 6%)
Location of Selected Intersection MN Hwy 52 & CSAH 9
Task B: Enabling Research u Surveillance Technologies u Sensors – Determine location and speed of high speed road vehicles Determine type of vehicle on low speed road (signal timing) Sensor placement, intersection design, etc. u Communications Transmit data from sensors to IDS main processor (RSU) Wired / Wireless options u Computational systems Determine location, speed, and size of vehicle gaps u Performance issues: Redundancy, reliability, range, power, cost, estimation vs. sensor coverage, etc.
Enabling Research: Driver Infrastructure Interface (DII) Development u Human Factors … Nic Ward v System interface development v Simulation development v System interface evaluation
TASK C: Benefit:Cost Analysis David Levinson u Identify relevant technologies: Review of literature. u Develop benefit cost framework. u Estimate lifespan of technology. u Estimate costs of technology. u Estimate benefits of countermeasures. u Lifecycle analysis. u Recommend countermeasures u Analyze Inter-technology effects. u Determine performance metrics. u Develop cost:performance models u Analyze synergies. u Optimize counter-measure combination
Task D: System Requirements & Specification Definition u Functional Requirements u System Requirements u System Specifications u Experimental MUTCD Approval v Driver interface likely to fall outside the normal devices found within the MUTCD. Will work to gain MUTCD approval as soon as candidate interface is determined
u Vehicle detection sensor development Radar sensor development and testing Lidar sensor development and testing Vision-based sensor development and testing u Vehicle classification sensor development u Vehicle tracking estimator u Test intersection sensor configuration to validate installation u Experiments to be conducted at test intersection Surveillance Technologies: Outline
u Eaton Vorad EVT300 radar to be used for high speed vehicle detection – have determined accuracy as a roadside sensor u SICK LMS221 lidar to be used for vehicle detection at low speed (on minor leg) – accuracy of vehicle detection algorithm to be determined u Vision-based vehicle detection algorithms being developed for low speed vehicle tracking (on minor leg and the intersection) and performance measurement of radar on major leg Vehicle-detection Sensor Development
u Eaton Vorad radar is designed for use on vehicles, typically mounted on bumper u Determine radar’s performance while used as roadside sensor u Use probe vehicles with DGPS and compared vehicle position to radar detected position u Drove probe vehicles past radar v Varied radar orientation (yaw angle) v Varied distance from road (two different lanes) v Varied vehicle type (Mn/DOT truck and sedan) u Experiments performed at Mn/Road in October 2003 Experiments to determine radar accuracy
For each independent variable, determined : u Lane coverage u Lane classification accuracy of the sensor u Lane position accuracy of the sensor u Speed measurement accuracy of the sensor Experiment Objectives
Variable Definitions: Overall Schematic
Variable Definitions: Theoretical Lane Coverage – Measure of vehicle detection start and stop Theoretical Lane Coverage: Different for each lane Lane Centers
Variable Definitions: Lane Classification and Lane Position Accuracy Lane Classification: In which lane is the vehicle? (Accuracy limited by lateral position error) Lane Position Accuracy: Limited by longitudinal position error
Variable Definitions: Lane Classification and Lane Position Accuracy E lat = Lane Lateral Position Error E lon = Lane Longitudinal Position Error Know that radar return does NOT come from center of front bumper Tests will evaluate sensitivity of gap calculation to this effect
Experimental Setup
Experimental Setup: Orientation Calibration Initial calibration to get the reference yaw angle with respect to North
Experimental Setup
Experimental Setup: Signal Flow Diagram Target Data: Position (State Plane Coord), Velocity Vehicle Data: Position (State Plane Coord), Velocity, Heading
Experimental Setup
Experimental Setup: Radar Now Picks up Vehicles at 440 ft.
Experimental Setup: Playing back experimental data
Results – Typical run with truck Typical run: Truck at 45 mph Error Curve for the entire run RMS Values are used in evaluation 10 m. max longitudinal error leads to 0.5 sec gap error at 45 mph (20m/sec)
Results – Actual vs Theoretical Lane Coverage for Varying Sensor Orientation Both cases: Actual Lane Coverage Theoretical (Predicted) Lane Coverage Can use theoretical parameters to design sensor layout 6 degrees gives best coverage for both lanes Inside Lane – 14ft from Lane Center Outside Lane – 26ft from Lane Center Inside Outside A A T T
Results – Lane Lateral Position Accuracy Lane lateral position error lower when sensor closer to lane Lane lateral position error increases with increase in sensor orientation angle Error within 1.2m for most runs (when under 6 degrees Lane classification threshold of 1.2m should be sufficient to place a vehicle in one lane (12ft / 3.7m)
Results – Lane Longitudinal Position Accuracy Error increases with increase in orientation angle Error lower when closer to lane Error lower for smaller vehicle When orientation angle is below 6 degrees, error is below 10m (equivalent to 0.5 sec error in gap; 45 mph)
Results – Speed Accuracy Accuracy decreases with increase in orientation angle Error is within 0.35m/s. Equivalent to 0.78 mph; for an 8 sec gap at 45 mph (20m/sec) equiv to 0.14 sec in gap
Experiment Conclusions u Sensor Lane Coverage v Increases when sensor placed closer to lane v Increases with decreased sensor yaw angle v Better than specifications u Lane Lateral Position accuracy of the sensor v Better when sensor closer to lane v Better with lower sensor orientation u Lane Longitudinal Position accuracy of the sensor v Better when sensor closer to lane v Better with lower sensor orientation v Better for smaller vehicle u Speed measurement accuracy of the sensor v Better with lower sensor orientation v Error within 0.35 m/s (0.78 mph)
u SICK LMS221 sensors are used – works at 5Hz; low speed minor leg application u Developed roadside vehicle detection/classification algorithm u Experiments similar to those for radar to be performed in July 2004 Lidar detectors LIDAR - LIght Detection And Ranging
u Both visible-range and IR cameras will be tested u Vehicle detection algorithm developed to detect vehicles moving along a lane as well as making turns u Experiments to be conducted in July 2004 to determine the performance of both types of cameras under different lighting conditions Development of vision-based detectors
Data collected at the Washington Ave parking ramp exit to Union. Thresholds set to ignore pedestrians and bicyclists Algorithm sufficient to determine lane position and trajectory of vehicle
u Eaton Vorad radar based system to be tested when installed at the Hwy52 test intersection u SICK LMS221 lidar based system to be developed – will be tested at test intersection u Both sensors will be used to cover the same area; the accuracy of the two sensors will be determined by comparing images captured of the vehicles with the radar data (for multiple vehicles) Vehicle-classification sensor testing
u Estimator will be capable of tracking every vehicle in the system and predicting time to a pre-determined point at the intersection u Two types of tests to be conducted to determine accuracy Low-volume traffic using DGPS-based probe vehicles High-volume traffic using a vision-based vehicle detection system Vehicle Tracking Estimator
Camera placed perpendicular to traffic direction Accuracy of test system to be validated by processing video and comparing results with the radar’s reported results Estimator error, false targets and missed targets will be determined Tracking Estimator Validation System
MN Test Intersection Final Design
Test Intersection Sensor Configuration: Major Leg – Hwy52 Radar sensors on Hwy52 Approximately 2100ft of lane coverage in each direction (17.2 secs at 85mph) Average sensor spec’d orientation angle is 4.9º
Mainline Radar Sensor
MN Test Intersection - Mainline Sensors Radar Camera Suite (for evaluation) Camera FOV 53’x36’ Radar to track vehicles past isxn (primarily for minor road trajectory recording)
Intersection Crossroads - Vehicle Trajectory C4 FOV C3 FOV Cameras at intersection capture trajectory of vehicles entering isxn from minor roads. Mn/DOT advised that median-based sensors won’t survive.
Test Intersection Sensor Configuration: Minor Leg – CSAH 9 Radar and lidar sensors on CSAH9 Radar to detect approaching traffic and lidar used for slow/stopped traffic Vehicle classification radar and lidar also used
Test Intersection Sensor Configuration Vision-based sensors for the median Both IR and visible-range cameras will be tested
R/WIS Data from Intersection Mn/DOT updates at 10 Minute intervals. Data collected every 10 minutes
Experiments to be Conducted at Test Intersection u Determine effect of vehicle length, speed, lateral location on radar-based position and gap calculations u Determine accuracy of lidar-based and vision-based vehicle detection/tracking systems v Vehicle entering intersection from minor leg u Validation of vehicle classifier systems v Radar vs lidar u Determine accuracy and robustness of Gap Tracking Estimator
Information Available from Intersection u Distribution of gaps accepted by drivers v for right turns v for left turns v for crossing intersection (see next page) Cross-correlated with v Vehicle type / size v Driver age (macroscopic level, limited basis initially) v Driver gender (limited basis initially) v Weather effects (R/WIS 0.9 Mile away), with in-road sensors (collecting data already)
Information Available from Intersection (cont’d) u Maneuvers executed by drivers from minor road v Left turn in one stage or two? Variation in left and right gaps accepted for each maneuver type Cross-correlation with vehicle type v Crossing intersection in one stage or two? Variation in left and right gaps accepted for each maneuver type Cross-correlation with vehicle type
Information Available from Intersection (cont’d) u Response of mainline traffic v Speed adjustment if stationary vehicle on minor road Do mainline drivers adjust speed if a vehicle is spotted on minor road? Will mainline drivers move to left lane (when possible) to provide a lane for the minor road traffic? v Reaction of drivers on major road if too small gap is accepted Braking? Lane change? Other?
Deliverables u As of June 14, most underground work complete; all posts installed; half power cabling completed. u By 1 st week of July, all contracted electrical work complete u July, 2004: Bring intersection on-line. u August, 2004: All tests on sensors and gap tracking estimators completed. u February, 2005: v Data from sensors on intersection analyzed and report delivered. v Cost-benefit study completed. v Driving simulator study completed.
MN Pooled Fund Project: Towards a Multi-State Consensus Minnesota is leading a state pooled fund project for rural intersection IDS, includes … MN, NV, NH, WI, MI, GA, IA, NC Multiple goals for state pooled fund: u Assistance/buy-in for DII design v Goal: nationally acceptable designs Performance, Maintenance, Acceptability Interoperability u Increased data collection capability v Identify site & design test intersections in participating states v Collect data at intersections (using minimized sensor suite) v Regional vs. national driver behavior
Gap Acceptance Studies: Safe Gaps Left turn from a minor road – 8.0secs + 0.5secs for each additional lane to be crossed Right turn from a minor road – 7.5secs Crossing maneuver – 6.5secs for passenger cars, 8.5secs for single-unit trucks and 10.5secs for combination trucks; Add 0.5secs for each additional lane Source: National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Report 383, Intersection Sight Distance, National Academy Press, Basis of the Highway Design Manual for Older Drivers and Pedestrians, Publication No. FHWA-RD , May, 2001, U.S. Dept of Transportation. (See RECOMMENDATIONS, I. INTERSECTIONS (AT-GRADE) D. Design Element: Intersection Sight-Distance Requirement). See
Post-2005 Steps To FOT: u Simulator will be used to evaluate relative merits of DII and to downselect the needed features of DII u However, speed and gap size not perceived on road the same way as in simulator. u Safe vs unsafe gaps: Used general guidelines from NCHRP for older drivers, use 8 sec instead of 7.5 for left turn: 6.5 sec for right turn, etc. u Should conduct series of studies at isxn to model and differentiate needs between older and younger drivers, rather than use Hwy capacity/safety manual’s “recommended” values. u What is the critical gap? For older drivers? For younger drivers? u Need control study of old/young drivers on test intersection. Use VehDAQ/eye gaze tracking. u Drivers take gaps confidently or not? Where to locate DII based on eye gaze study. Is DII intuitive? u Will know state of vehicles on expressway and minor leg.
Post-2005 Steps To FOT: u Baseline will not need communications to/from vehicles. Will be able to test in MN plus 7 (?) additional states. If FOT only evaluates DII, can then proceed immediately u Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure systems: v Wireless communication to/from infrastructure v Vehicle data to RSU, then fused with other data to compute gaps v Driver (older, younger) and vehicle data to RSU, to determine safe vs unsafe gap v RSU to vehicle/driver DVI to inform driver v Nature and location of DVI in vehicle u Pilot FOT v DII Infrastructure only, DII and DVI u Large scale FOT v DII Infrastructure only, DII and DVI u Design Handbook/Warrants