Student Outcomes Skills, Knowledge, Dispositions Program and Course Objectives, goals Assessment Downstream Effects How do we get there? Applications Activities Content Tools Lessons
Analyzing and evaluating the effects of first century political, social and geographical situation on the development of the Gospels Assessment Downstream Effects How do we get there? Applications Activities Content Tools Lessons Conventional and Online Backwards Design Example Student Outcomes Skills, Knowledge, Dispositions
Knowledge: Understanding the Political Boundaries and Units of first Century Palestine Skills: Evaluating the effect of Roman technology on the spread of the Gospel Dispositions: Openness to alternative perspectives Analyzing and evaluating the effects of first century political, social and geographical situation on the development of the Gospels Assessment Downstream Effects How do we get there? Applications Activities Content Tools Lessons Conventional and Online Backwards Design Example
Knowledge: Understanding the Political Boundaries and Units of first Century Palestine Skills: Evaluating the effect of Roman technology on the spread of the Gospel Dispositions: Openness to alternative perspectives Analyzing and evaluating the effects of first century political, social and geographical situation on the development of the Gospels Assessment Downstream Effects How do we get there? Applications Activities Content Tools Lessons Conventional and Online Backwards Design Example Parishioners are able to understand context of Gospels development
Knowledge: Understanding the Political Boundaries and Units of first Century Palestine Skills: Evaluating the effect of Roman technology on the spread of the Gospel Dispositions: Openness to alternative perspectives Analyzing and evaluating the effects of first century political, social and geographical situation on the development of the Gospels Assessment Downstream Effects How do we get there? Applications Activities Content Tools Lessons Conventional and Online Backwards Design Example Parishioners are able to understand context of Gospels development In response to course readings and discussion, student will analyze the effect of Roman technology…by writing an essay addressing the following points to the following standard.
How do we get there? Conventional Online Applications Activities Content Tools Lessons
How do we get there? Applications: CMS, wiki, live conferencing, image editing, video production and editing, sound production and editing., screen capture, etc. Activities: You name it… Content: Static content (teacher-created, articles, student created), links, media, images, etc. Tools: Conceptual models, standards, rubrics, collaboration, application, creation, etc Lessons: You name it…
How do we get there? Community of Inquiry: Affective Presence, Cognitive Presence, Teaching Presence Andragogy: Student experience, relevance, personal responsibility and applicability Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching: Establish Inclusion, Developing Attitude, Engendering Competence, Enhancing Meaning 1.Time 2.Relationships 3.Feedback 4.Reflection 5.Application
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Original and Updated