The Social Sciences Group 1 Presented by Lisl Magboo
What are the Social Sciences? The explanation, order, and underlying pattern in aspects of human behavior Study of conscious creatures –also known as humanities Knowledge of the human individual Explains: –What influences us –Our decisions
Social & natural sciences are similar –Common approach: explanation Many forms: –Psychology –Linguistics –Sociology –Anthropology
Criticisms of the Social Sciences Arguable – Bizarre –Science can’t explain human nature Critics suggest human world is based on: –Feeling –Emotion –Values Prescribed title: Evaluate the role of intuition in social sciences * Can theories and laws explain the three components of the human world mentioned above? If so, how?
Determinism and Free Will Considered one of the greatest challenges in the social sciences Determinism: all choices are determined by the physical conditions that come before them –Physical conditions v.s. free choice –Space shuttle [Challenger] – page 107 –Computer analogy – page 108
Compatibilism Challenges determinism Everything has physical causes, but that does not mean that we don’t have free will ** In an essence, what does this mean? … there must be a fault with determinism EVEN if we can’t find it.
Nature v.s. Nurture Very controversial issue In relation to social sciences: Is intelligence/personality/whatever due to my intrinsic biological nature due to my upbringing or my environment? Potential explanations: genetic determinism & environmental determinism Nature & racism Rejection of genetic determinism: equality, all born with same opportunities
Nature v.s. Nurture cont. Determinism in regard to race: unfavorable to those not on top of the order Race superiority: violent and ugly use all over the world * Do you think it is nature or nurture that forms the following characteristics in people? Are the reasons you give based in evidence, reason or faith? - Intelligence - Aggression - Happiness - Friendliness
‘Scientific Method’ in the Social Sciences Seven objections to the application of the ‘scientific method in social sciences Group reflection & class debriefing