Company LOGO Kaizen’s Fleet Tracker Device TEAM 8 – Business Plan Presentation
30/11/2004Kaizen BP Presentation2/13 Outline 1.Company & Team Description 2. Product Description 3. Market Analysis, Pricing & Sales Strategy 4. Financial Summary
30/11/2004Kaizen BP Presentation3/13 Organizational Chart Ertugrul Emre Tasdemir Chief Executive Officer Engineering & Project Management Business Management Human Resources Murat Sumengen Production Manager Mustafa Kalyon Production Chief Ugur Gunes Research&Develop. K. Anıl Celik Marketing Manager O. Onur Karaaslan Chief Finan. Officer Ertuğrul E.Tasdemir Hum. Resrc. Man.
30/11/2004Kaizen BP Presentation4/13 What does Fleet Tracker System do? It mainly provides the managing and reporting of fleets anywhere in the world It stores the location of the vehicle Also stores additional information such as Velocity Break Intervals etc. It uses GPS technology while doing these
30/11/2004Kaizen BP Presentation5/13 Why Fleet Tracker ¿ Industries which are Using Vehicle Tracking Technology Food & Beverage Distribution Utilities Maintenance Pest Control Electricians Trucking Manufacturers Surveying Rent a Car companies Sales Organizations Main Competitors in Local Market Turkcell Avea Satko Apsis
30/11/2004Kaizen BP Presentation6/13 Components Fleet Tracker Device GPS Receiver Software Board & Circuitry PIC16F877
30/11/2004Kaizen BP Presentation7/13 How does it Work? Passive Mode Tracking via GPS Fetching data from GPS receiver and storing in the memory Synchronization with the Tracker software via RS232 port. (USB is optional) Determination of the locations on digital map
30/11/2004Kaizen BP Presentation8/13 Fleet Tracker Provides also... Speed control Lower fuel expenses Lower maintenance costs Accident reduction Reduce km Reduce inefficiency
30/11/2004Kaizen BP Presentation9/13 Market Analysis Summary Market; _ Highly Competitive _ Growing Rapidly Target Market _ Pharmaceutical Industry _ Logistics & Distribution Competition _ Quality ( TQM ) _ Customer Satisfaction ( cost, motivation etc. )
30/11/2004Kaizen BP Presentation10/13 Pricing & Sales Strategy Pricing _ “Just In Time” method _ Profit Margin _ Competitor’s prices Sales _ Print ads, Press releases, sponsorship, stickers, sectorial show and GRAND OPENING _ Kaizen Catalog & Kaizen Quality Catalog _ Sales tools
30/11/2004Kaizen BP Presentation11/13 Financial Summary Basic Assumptions _ Salaries, equipments and R&D are main costs _ Expected growth rate 30% _ The number of cars will increase 30% _ Inflation will remain 3% in dollar currency _ Interest rate will be constant at 5% _ Every 10 vehicle forms a fleet _ Reliability of products will be %98
30/11/2004Kaizen BP Presentation12/13 Benchmarks $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1.000 $1.200 $1.400 $ Total Revenue Total Cost Gross Margin Total Thousands of $ BENCHMARK
30/11/2004Kaizen BP Presentation13/13 THANKS FOR YOUR LISTENING YOUR QUESTIONS...