Find out if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. › Click here to take the online quiz. Make sure to PRINT YOUR RESULTS!here › Write a paragraph analyzing your results and whether or not you think your results are really an indication of your ability to do well. Turn in results & paragraph by Mon 3/30 Move on to Step 2
You must have a business IDEA! › Need help thinking of an idea? Check out this link for Have your idea? Great! Now it is time to get specific and do some research to find out exactly what it will take to do it! › Download the Brainstorming & Research Sheet and begin working on it › You will have to do some research to find out, specifically, what it will take to open and run your business Turn in Brainstorming/Research Sheet by Wed 4/1 and move on to Step 3.
Write Your Business Plan Follow the instructions in this document to write your step-by-step business plan.this document Make sure you’ve covered ALL parts listed on the instruction sheet. Print your Business Plan and turn it in to your teacher by Fri 4/3. Move on to Step 4.
PROMOTE! You will be promoting your business at the 7 th Grade Business Expo on Monday & Tuesday, April 6 & 7, 2009 Display Board / Visual Aid › You should have a free-standing visual representation of your business › It should be informative, attractive and a good “advertisement” Be a Salesperson › Be prepared to answer questions about your business › Be able to get visitors excited about and interested in your business › “Look the part!” Other Expo needs › Brochures, flyers, other “handouts” or “give-aways” ??? › A technology-based part of your display ??? › Your own creative idea ???
Online Quiz & Paragraph (step 1): › DUE: Monday 3/30 by end of class Business Brainstorming/Research (step 2): › DUE: Wednesday 4/1 (begin. of class) Written Business Plan (step 3): › DUE: Friday 4/3 (begin. of class) Business Expo (promotion) (step 4): › Monday 4/6 (kind of like a science fair…)
4321Score: Entrepreneur Quiz/Analysis Turned in completed quiz with analysis Completed most of quiz and analysis Completed only one – quiz or analysis Did not complete quiz or analysis Brainstorming & Research Sheet Completely answered all items, showed good plans and research Answered all questions, but did not show good planning and research Did not complete questions and did not show good planning and research Sheet was mostly incomplete or show almost no effort in answers Business Plan Well-written, detailed plan for business. Fully addresses all areas. Mostly well- written plan that addresses most areas of plan Some writing errors; does not completely address most areas of plan Many writing areas; addresses few areas of plan Business Expo Promotion & Visual Display Excellent visual display and personal promotion techniques Good effort made towards visual display and/or promotion Visual display was sloppy and /or lacked effort ; personal promotion was lacking Little to no effort put forth towards visual display or personal promotion **Remember, if you are working with a partner, your partner evaluation will also be factored into your grade.
Sites: Sites: › Assessment/Entrepreneurial_self_assessment.htm?cookie%5Ftest=1 Assessment/Entrepreneurial_self_assessment.htm?cookie%5Ftest=1 › › › Pictures/Graphics: › if if › › › › EXIT