looks for causes of behavior by studying genes, brain, & nervous system Determinism = life events determined by mental, physical, & behavioral tendencies; actions are beyond your control Opposite view: free will. Power to control own behavior Charles Darwin: natural selection
understand ourselves by looking at our minds actions influenced by our interpretation of experiences look at world through other people’s eyes combination of structuralism & functionalism
looks to understand the mind, BUT places heavy emphasis on motives & mental conflicts treatment of mental disorders Freud & psychoanalysis; study of unresolved, deep feelings of anger/resentment LETHAL behavior
human ability, growth, & potential people have free will to make choices about their lives includes people who “feel like a nobody, but want to be somebody”, or someone who is too narcissistic counselors & psychotherapists
source of our behavior is based on environment vs. biology or mind can only study observable behavior (Skinner) Skinner prefaced Watson by saying our actions are determined by rewards & punishments
other people influence our behavior just as much as we influence our own decides which social behaviors are appropriate/inappropriate social learning we learn from other’s behaviors; driven by rewards & punishments (ex: media violence)