“Reading RFC…..its a TEAM effort!” Sponsored by
Please ask all attendees to register if they wish to take photos on the day (RFU Policy). Form attached. Make parents aware of parking & payment arrangements (£5 per car or family attending, payable at entrance) please. Parking will be provided on a number of car parks. Please follow marshals instructions. No dogs allowed on site
U7U8U9U10U11U12 TeamABCABCABCABCABCABC Alton Amersham & Chiltern 1 Beaconsifeld Chinnor Didcot Hungerford HWRUFC Maidenhead Newbury Old Albanians 111 Phoenix RFC Reading Abbey Reading RFC Redingensians Slough Tadley Tigers Thatcham Windsor Guildfordians RFC 1 Portsmouth RFC 1 1 1
Due to the mixed bag of rules being played by clubs across the county / neighbouring counties we will play the following format: Under 7 to Under 10 New Rules of Play (NROP) Under 12 “old” Continuum rules Under 11 – hybrid rules and common sense please. This festival is all about the kids having a good day so the safest way to run this age group is as follows: For those fixtures where one of the sides is playing NROP, in the interests of safety, these rules will apply. For those fixtures that involve two sides playing old Continuum rules you have the option to play either NROP of Continuum However, we are happy for teams to compromise and find the best solution for each match. Coaches please agree the format ahead of each fixture. Matches will kick off from 09:30 depending on pool size with the aim of having all matches completed between 13: :00 There are a variety of streams playing across the event. See details on previous slide. Pool format varies across age groups. Please see schedule for details Larger competition pools will be split with play off / final to establish a winner In the U11 & U12 age groups in the interests of saving time we will not be converting try’s
There will be two parking areas this year (neither has the capacity to hold all vehicles so we will need to load balance) Parking Area 1 - should be accessed via the main club entrance at the A4 end of Sonning Lane Parking Area 2 - is directly opposite Bluecoats School main entrance, next door to Berkshire County Sports (the Sonning end of Sonning Lane) We would strongly advise that if you are entering Sonning via Sonning Bridge that you use Parking Area 2 opposite Bluecoats An entry fee of £5 will be charged per car for everyone parking a car or per family for foot traffic (to cover the cost of staging the event), this includes coaches &, managers NO DOGS (except guide dogs) are permitted in any area of the sports grounds Litter is a problem with such a big crowd, please use the bins provided Hot food and drinks will be available from 8am until festival closure in the main clubhouse and the BBQ area in front of the main clubhouse
Each team entered will be expected to provide a referee for each ability stream – this is a pre-requisite of entry we do not have the resources to provide refereeing cover across the festival Please familiarise yourself with the schedule and your teams refereeing timeslots All teams to register at their control point by 9am (U11/12 control point, all other teams at main control point). Briefing for all referees and coaches will be held in front of the Control Point at 9:15am Referees match slips will be provided by pitch marshals, at the end of the match it will be incumbent on the referee to return the slip to the appropriate Control Point Timekeeping – referees will keep time for each match and play no more than 2 minutes injury Please ready your teams to enter the field of play immediately after the previous match to avoid the festival overrunning
Can all clubs please provide details of which sides and ability streams will have trained First Aiders in attendance on the morning please This will give the medical team an understanding of where we will have people who can perform the first level of triage The medical team will have a central base situated next to the Control Point which will be manned for the duration of the festival There will also be members of the medical team pitch walking throughout the morning – they will be dressed in pink (so easy to spot) and connected to the central control point via Walkie Talkie We ask that age group First Aiders provide the first level of triage and request assistance only in the event of serious injury Should an ambulance be required please let the Medical team coordinate this with the Ambulance Service directly Any medical queries should be ed to our club Medical Director – Catherine Fagg
Attached as separate document.