Fund for gender equality in Europe and worldwide 1 AUDIT GEEIS Group Date : 1 ST audit Intermediate audit Renewal
Data about your country 2 ) Demographic data Economic data Political climate Etc…
Legislation Insert your country regulation against discrimination, in favor of Equal Opportunity, supporting Women, …. Be precise (law, date…) 3
Presentation of the group 4 ) Activities of the company and organization Number of countries Warehouses / offices (number & location)
Statistics 5 How many employees total and per division Split M/F with graphs Evolution of Headcount & split by gender since 3 years If you have statistics per main function (Operations/Support functions)..this is good, or countries if there are specificities. Remark = please put a date as Headcount can vary from a month to another.
General policy for gender equality 6 Review of the situation - Actions done ………. Proposition of actions in 2014 and beyond …….. ……… Some elements of context
Evaluation of the gender equality policy 7 Review of the situation - Actions done ………. Proposition of actions in 2014 and beyond …….. ……… Some elements of context
HR and Management awareness and/or training initiatives 8 Review of the situation - Actions done ………. Proposition of actions in 2014 and beyond …….. ……… Some elements of context
Initiatives to encourage a fair gender balance within job profiles and/or decision making 9 Review of the situation - Actions done ………. Proposition of actions in 2014 and beyond …….. ……… Some elements of context
Pay practices 10 Review of the situation - Actions done ………. Proposition of actions in 2014 and beyond …….. ……… Some elements of context
Implementation of harmonized initiatives to encourage the emergence of a common culture 11 Review of the situation - Actions done ………. Proposition of actions in 2014 and beyond …….. ……… Some elements of context
Organisational structure and quality of European/international social dialogue 12 Review of the situation - Actions done ………. Proposition of actions in 2014 and beyond …….. ……… Some elements of context