Eric Pantin, Jean Schneider, A. Boccaletti, P. Baudoz, R. Galicher, R. Gratton, D. Stam et al. Polarimetry and spectral imaging of mature Jupiter and super-Earth with SEE-COAST
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando2 Direct imaging Complementarity of techniques SPECTRA & POLARIZATION DATA Transit
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando3 Space-based Ground-based > We are here Ground/space complementarity
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando4 Space-based Ground-based > m + OA VLT, Keck, Gemini 4m + OA Silla, CFH We are here 2010 Ground/space complementarity HST
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando5 Space-based Ground-based > We are here m + XAO SPHERE / GPI / HICIAO NIR : EGPs young/massive/nearby Ground/space complementarity 8m + OA VLT, Keck, Gemini 4m + OA Silla, CFH HST
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando6 Space-based Ground-based > We are here 2010 Ground/space complementarity 8m + OA VLT, Keck, Gemini 4m + OA Silla, CFH HST 30/42m + XAO EPICS, METIS etc with ELTs NIR : EGPs intermediate Old + Super-Earth ? 8m + XAO SPHERE / GPI / HICIAO NIR : EGPs young/massive/nearby
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando7 Space-based Ground-based JWST NIR + MIR: Old EGPs > We are here 2010 SPICA MIR: Old EGPs Ground/space complementarity 8m + OA VLT, Keck, Gemini 4m + OA Silla, CFH HST 30/42m + XAO EPICS, METIS etc with ELTs NIR : EGPs intermediate Old + Super-Earth ? 8m + XAO SPHERE / GPI / HICIAO NIR : EGPs young/massive/nearby
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando8 Space-based Ground-based Darwin/TPF-I MIR: Earth TPF-C Vis: Earth > We are here ? ? 2010 JWST NIR + MIR: Old EGPs SPICA MIR: Old EGPs Ground/space complementarity 8m + OA VLT, Keck, Gemini 4m + OA Silla, CFH HST 30/42m + XAO EPICS, METIS, etc with ELTs NIR : EGPs intermediate Old + Super-Earth ? 8m + XAO SPHERE / GPI / HICIAO NIR : EGPs young/massive/nearby
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando9 Space-based Ground-based > Visible light Old giants & super-Earths We are here ? ? 2010 JWST NIR + MIR: Old EGPs SPICA MIR: Old EGPs Darwin/TPF-I MIR: Earth TPF-C Vis: Earth ? ? Ground/space complementarity 8m + OA VLT, Keck, Gemini 4m + OA Silla, CFH HST 30/42m + XAO EPICS, METIS, etc with ELTs NIR : EGPs intermediate Old + Super-Earth ? 8m + XAO SPHERE / GPI / HICIAO NIR : EGPs young/massive/nearby Opportunity for space projects
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando10 Space-based Ground-based > We are here ? ? 2010 JWST NIR + MIR: Old EGPs SPICA MIR: Old EGPs Darwin/TPF-I MIR: Earth TPF-C Vis: Earth ? ? SEE COAST Vis/NIR Old Jupiter + Super Earth Ground/space complementarity 8m + OA VLT, Keck, Gemini 4m + OA Silla, CFH HST 30/42m + XAO EPICS, PFI, etc with ELTs NIR : EGPs intermediate Old + Super-Earth ? 8m + XAO SPHERE / GPI / HICIAO NIR : EGPs young/massive/nearby
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando11 What SEE-COAST will characterize : What's expected : Exo-zodiacal and debris disk Mature Jupiter (>1 Gyr) And unexpected objects ! Stay open-minded (cf. hot Jupiter in 1995) Brighter Atmosphere, climate Variations, habitability Super Earth Around nearby star -
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando12 Spectroscopy : chemical composition Giant planets Solid planets
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando13 Polarimetry : physical informations Jupiter-like planet - Stam et al Spectrum Polarization Earth-like planet - Stam et al cloud vegetation ocean A=0 A=1
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando - Spectral time variation => variation of temperature => surface properties 0.45 m 0.75 m Polarimetric time variation => surface properties Cloud free Earth from 0.65 to 0.9 m 50° Phase angle 130° 90° Spectroscopy Polarimetry Variability
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando15 How many detections ?
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando16 How many detections ? 1e-9 1e-10
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando17 How many detections ? 1e-9 1e-10 Requirements : contrast Small inner working angles
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando18 Hyperbolic secondary mirror 4,85m long Parabolic primary mirror Two folding mirrors Focal plane Submitted in 2007 to ESA Cosmic Vision SEE-COAST proposed to ESA Cosmic Vision Parameter Value Entrance pupil diameterD > 1.5m Angular resolution m Contrast (after speckle 2 /D < Contrast (after speckle 4 /D < Orbit for 6 months visibility, high thermal stability L2 Lagrangian
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando 1) Coronagraphy 2) Wavefront control (a few nm rms from science image) 3) Polarization+Spectral Differential imaging SEE-COAST : optical concept 1) visible light channel ( m): 2 polarimetric arms 2) Near-IR channel ( m): no polarimetry
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando20 Main component I: Achromatic Coronagraph Laboratory "planet" Contrast : at 4.5 /D = 20% Visible light Baudoz et al. 2007, 08 Multi-stage four quadrant phase mask coronagraph
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando21 Main component II: Wavefront correction Speckle nulling in a limited FOV with a DM (JPL, Trauger & Traub, 07) 2 stages WFS: 1st stage : Classical WFS+DM (~1 nm rms residuals) 2nd stage : Phase correction in coronagraphic image : wavefront error reduced by 100, spurious speckles by a factor (speckles nulling). 2 DMs concept is preferred (and envisioned)
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando22 Main component III : Integral Field Spectrometer (R=40-80) Field position Wavelength
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando23 Main component IV : Reject efficiently spurious star speckles 1) differential polarimetry Field position Wavelength 2) spectral deconvolution (aberrations scale with ) Wavelength 3) Self-coherent method (Baudoz, 07)
SEE-COAST UCF Orlando Summary SEE COAST requires : High contrast : ≈ ANDsmall IWA : ≈ 2 /D SEE COAST can get : low res spectra of mature giants < 20pc (< AU) colors of a few mature Super Earths < 10pc (< AU) possibly Earths around the nearest star ( Cen) low res spectra of self luminous planets (extension to near IR) SEE COAST is : Compatible with general astrophysics (pushing to UV, wide field ?) Compatible with transit spectroscopy additional targets (unresolved planets) & complements IR transit characterization programs Next steps in the project : refine some science cases and simulations (statistical analysis) elaborate optical design with industrial partners (Astrium) + derive tolerances technological developments in coronagraphy and wavefront control get prepared for next COSMIC VISION proposal (2010)