A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005 A GHz SIS receiver for the APEX telescope C. Risacher 1, V. Belitsky 1, I. Lapkin 2, R. R. Monje 1, V. Vassilev 1, M. Pantaleev 1, A. Pavolotsky 1, K.-Å Johansson 1, L. G. Gunnarsson 1, M. Svensson 1, M. Fredrixon 1, E. Sundin 1, V. P. Robles 1, D. Medelin, M.Hagström 1, R. Booth 1 1 Group for Advanced Receiver Development (GARD), Radio & Space Science Department with Onsala Space Observatory, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden 2 Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences 46 Ulyanov str., Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005 BandRF range (GHz)IF (GHz)DSB Noise APEX-1G: G: 25K B: 40K APEX-2G: G: 35K B: 50K APEX-3G: B: G: 70K B: tbd APEX-4G: G: 110K B: 170K APEX-5G: G: 175K B: tbd APEX-T1G: 1030 (50)4-8G: 230 K APEX-T2G: 1320 (140)tbdG: 550 K APEX-T3G: 1500 (140)tbdG: 650 K APEX receivers: Heterodyne Instrumentation
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005 RF tuning range: GHz (no possibilities to extend this range except by changing the Gunn oscillator. IF frequency:4-8 GHz. At the present time the backend are limiting the IF band to 5- 7 GHz Noise temperature: 40 ± 10 K (DSB) across RF band OpticsFlat and active cold mirrors + 9 warm mirrors to obtain a beamwaist of 6 mm to match the APEX Cassegrain waist CryogenicsOld SEST SESIS cryostat. Closed cycle cooling system. 1 compressor CTI 8500 with cold head CTI1020 to produce 80K and 12K. 1 compressor Quantum J20 for 4K stage. Cooling time of 14 hours. CalibrationExternal calibration unit in Cabin A: See corresponding documentation Computer control Control system using National Instrument Fielpoint modules. Ethernet connection to the telescope network. Virtually possible to tune from anywhere. AlarmsIf temperature of mixer block exceed 4.9 K, automatic shutdown of the receiver. Bias of SIS is set to 0 mV, and magnetic coil current is also set to 0 mA.
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, GHz channel 345 GHz channel Outside part of cryostatInner part of cryostat First light receiver with closed cycle machine
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005 Signal from input window Flat mirror Active mirror Mixer block 4-8 GHz LNA
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005 Laboratory test cryostat with liquid helium Mixer block 4-8 GHz Isolator4-8 GHz IF LNA Cold teflon lens 200 m Zitex IR filter 3 mm Teflon window with circular corrugations
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005 Mixer block description
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005 Apex band 2 Toptics 12 K Loptics 5% T IF K Gmix dB Tmix 10 K
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, mA coil current : Strong DC Josephson effect
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, mA coil current : DC Josephson effect suppressed
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005 With LO power applied
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005 Control system
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005 Cooling system
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005
A GHz receiver for the new APEX telescope ISTT 2005 Chalmers, GöteborgMay 2-4, 2005