Lecture 2: The Self in Human Communication Introduction to Communication
Learning Objectives This chapter introduces the self and explain about: Self-concept Self-Awareness Self-Disclosure
I. Self-Concept Your self-concept is your image of who you are: 1.Strengths 2.Weaknesses 3.Abilities 4.Limitations
Self-Concept Self-Concept develops from the image that others have of you: – comparisons between yourself and others – cultural experiences – Your evaluation of your own thoughts and behaviours
Others’ Image of You Hair looked – see the a mirror – What would you do if you wanted to see how friendly or how assertive you are? The concept is Looking-glass self by (Cooley, 1922) – You look at the image of yourself that others reveal to you through the way they communicate with you
Others’ Image of You R.Pittinger, Charles Hockett and John Danehy says: – “No matter what else human beings may be communicating about, or may think they are communicating about themselves, about one another, and about the immediate context of the communication”
Comparison with Others (Social Comparison) Another way to develop a self-concept is to compare yourself with others, to engage in social comparison.
Comparison with Others
Comparison the examination score with peers
Cultural Teachings Through Parents, teachers, and the media influence your culture in variety – Beliefs – Values – Attitudes E.g. Cultural teaching about gender – Man and Woman should act
Cultural Teachings Highly Masculinity – assertive oriented and strong Masculine cultures socialize people to be assertive, ambitious, and competitive (Confront Conflicts) Highly Feminine – Modest, focused on quality of life, and tender Feminine cultures socialize people to be modest and emphasize close interpersonal relationship
Self-Interpretations and Self- Evaluations Self-Interpretations and Self-Evaluations contribute to your self-concepts – Steal is a sin – Lying is wrong – Help someone at great personal risk If you know wrong is wrong and good is good you are closely to Self awareness
II. Self Awareness Self-awareness is Self-Knowledge and as basic to all communication In order to examine the several aspects, one tool can be used. Which is, Johari Window – Open – Blind – Unknown – Hidden / Facade
Johari Window
Growing in Self-Awareness Listen to Others Increase your open self Seek information about yourself Dialogue with your self - No one knows you better than you know yourself
III. Self Disclosure Self – Disclosure is a type of Communication in which you reveal information about yourself – Moving from hidden self – moving to open self Self disclosure is used to refer to the conscious revealing of information. – E.g. I guess I’m afraid I’ll be lose – E.g. I love you – E.g. I hate you
Factors influencing Self-Disclosure Factors influence whether or not to disclose – What you disclose and To whom you disclose Who you are Your culture Your gender
Factors influencing Self-Disclosure Your listener – Dyadic effect (What person does, the other person does like wise) Your topic and channel – The more personal and negative topic, the less likely you are to self-disclose – Channel (reciprocal self-disclosure more quickly at online than face to face interactions)
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