What Will Become of America’s Economy? May 18, 1999
The Global Economy is Real §Economic Rennaissance §US Productivity and Services §Change, Change and More Change §Education Haves and Have-Not §Change Means Growth
The Global Economy is Largely a Myth §What is the global economy? §Information flow in the global economy §The global competition myth §Evolution of the global economy §Globalization of Corporations §Caution for Businesses
Entitlement Programs are Sustainable Defining Entitlements > The US is obligated to make payments to certain individuals who meet legal requirements. §Social Security Solvency §Contributions and Benefits
Entitlement Programs are not Sustainable §Government Action Now! §Demographic Changes §Restoring Balance
America Needs an Industrial Policy §Re-structuring the Economy §Trading Places
America Does Not Need an Industrial Policy §The popular fable of MITI §Follies of Japan’s Ministries §Privatization and Deregulation
America’s Economy May Become Intensely Regulated §Beyond Our Means §Hyperinflation Scenario §Deflation Scenario §Compounding Debt §Government Regulation Scenario §An Uncheerful Prospect §The Keys to Success
Economic Scenarios: From Boom to Collapse § Boom Times : Up, Up and Away § Consumer Spending §Steady Growth § A Stagnant Economy §Taxes and Regulation § An Economic Nightmare §The Income Gap