Douglas Bourn Development Education Research Centre, IOE
Reflect on achievements and progress of development education and global learning Changing political and educational context Practice of NGOs Needs and agendas of policy-makers Perceptions of evaluation Role of research Examples from work of Research Centre Agenda for research
30 years of practice led mainly by NG0s Increasing recognition of learning and understanding about global and development issues within mainstream education Quality projects
Globalisation and recent economic crisis Increasing dislocation and fragmentation within communities Sustainable Development and climate change Understanding and support for development and role of awareness raising within this Skills for living and working in a global society and global economy Short term results and change But have things really changed in terms of debates re development education
Historically played an important role Have an agenda Seeking support for their practice and their views Increased emphasis on behavioural change and on support for campaigns Limitations of promoting the global citizenship agenda
Support for their programmes- public support for aid- lack of progress on MDGs Needing evidence to demonstrate value for money Review of DFID’s Building Support for Development Learning impact has to relate to issues re standards and quality of education
Determined in the main by funders Emphasis on change usually in behaviour Formative and summative Efficiency and Effectiveness Lack of recognition of learning outcomes Results may well be different to what envisaged
Open- ended Depth of analysis Learning agenda Question of relevance Quality and evidence
Plan UK and role of NGOs People and Planet and student learning/campaigning Global Dimension within secondary schools Global Skills within colleges Global Engineer
Bringing together examples of what we know and sharing it Educating policy-makers on importance of research Theory and Philosophical Debates and implications for re-thinking practice Opening up debate with practitioners in terms of what are their objectives Recognising changing political context
Impact within formal education Development Education and contribution to building support for development How do young people become engaged in global and development issues? Moving from charity mentality to social justice Relationship to agendas around citizenship
Research Groups Role of International Journal Collaborative research projects across national boundaries Impact within wider education and development research agendas and networks