ASPOC & PICAM IWF/ÖAW GRAZ1 Main task Development of hard- and software for flight instruments Main research topics 1.Magnetospheric MultiScale Development of the Active Spacecraft Potential Control (ASPOC) PI-ship (R. Nakamura) 2.BepiColombo Development of the Planetary Ion CAMera (PICAM) Sensor PI-ship (H. Lichtenegger) MMS stacked for vibration test
Lead: Harald Jeszenszky & Gunter Laky Members Staff: G. Fremuth, F. Giner, C. Kürbisch, M. Leichtfried, G. Prattes, R. Wallner Cooperation within IWF Magnetotail Physics (Nakamura et al.): MMS mission planning SW-Atmosphere (Lammer et al.): BepiColombo mission planning Space magnetometers (Magnes et al.): Magnetic cleanliness, parts Exchange of know-how with all instrument developers Key external collaboration Italy: IAPS; Germany: MPS; France: LATMOS-SA; Hungary: Wigner RCP RMKI; Ireland: University of Ireland at Maynooth; Austria: FOTEC; USA: Southwest Research Institute Who are we? IWF/ÖAW GRAZ2
Operating principle Caused by the equilibrium of various charging currents on a body embedded in plasma, the S/C gets positively charged and severely disturbs measurements of the plasma environment. ASPOC emits a beam of positive indium ions at variable currents, keeping the S/C potential <+4 V. This ensures effective and complete acquisition of the ambient plasma distribution functions. Instrument components Electronics box (DPU, DC- and HV-converter board) Two emitter modules, each containing 2 emitters External harness between box and modules (LV, HV) A system of dry nitrogen purge lines Ion emitter consists of emitter capillary, indium reservoir and a heater element ASPOC: Active S/C Potential Control IWF/ÖAW GRAZ3 Emitter module cross-section
Spacecraft potential is controlled by two ASPOC instruments (~6 keV, ~10-50 µA), pointing in antiparallel directions for achieving maximum possible symmetry Supports high-quality plasma and field measurements in NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission 4 satellites are operating in close formation Group leads investigation, designed DPU board and S/W, integrated and tested 9 Flight Models (8 FM’s delivered to NASA, spare FM kept for reference measurements) Challenges: Simultaneous manufacture, test and operation in Europe and the US Torkar et al., 2014, Active S/C Potential Control Investigation, Space Science Reviews, /s IWF/ÖAW GRAZ4 ASPOC for Magnetospheric Multiscale Geometry of the ion beams ASPOC instrument
Concept All-sky camera for ions in Mercury's exo-ionosphere 3D velocity distribution and mass spectrum for ions over a full 2π FOV, up to ~3 keV energies and in a mass range extending up to ~132 amu Key elements Ellipsoidal electrostatic mirror M1 for focusing charged particles Toroidal electrostatic analyzer for the energy selection by pass-band Gate electrodes for providing start time for the time of flight (TOF) Multi channel plate for detecting the ion impact as to both TOF and imaging IWF/ÖAW GRAZ5 PICAM: Planetary Ion Camera Schematics of the ion optics
PICAM is part of the SERENA suite of four sensors. Joint development with contributions from France (detector, ion optics) Germany (high voltage control, gate driver) Hungary (DC converter) Ireland (electronic box) IWF leads the investigation and is responsible for digital processing unit and ion optics flight software and EGSE mechanical and electrical integration functional testing and environmental testing performance calibration IWF/ÖAW GRAZ6 PICAM for Bepi Colombo PICAM flight model DPU flight board
Mechanical and electrical integration Demanding requirements as to mechanical fitting accuracy, harness routing, general handling and cleanliness Functional and performance testing Operational parameters for electrodes as crucial point for the overall performance Test facilities High variance as to beam elevation (~90°), beam azimuth (~20°), unit rotation (~360°) and input parameters (electrode voltages) as challenge for the ion gun test facility IWF/ÖAW GRAZ7 PICAM: Integration and Testing PICAM sensor cross section Current measurements
MMS ASPOC Ground testing, operations planning until launch in March 2015 In-orbit commissioning, followed by routine operations of 8 instruments Science data analysis (Nakamura et al.) BepiColombo PICAM Delivery of PICAM FM by the end of 2014 Refurbishment of PICAM QM as flight spare Support of tests on observatory level Performance testing and verification of PICAM flight spare including performance modelling Support of the overall planning on mission level and SERENA level Future Plans: IWF/ÖAW GRAZ8 PICAM QM on MPO
IWF/ÖAW9 Thank you