Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Application of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to the BDP Environmental Resources.


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Presentation transcript:

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Application of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to the BDP Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Friday 17 th October 2003

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Outline What is SEA Why is it needed in the BDP How could it be applied to the BDP When & what tools Next Steps Update on RAOM

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world What is SEA?

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Developed to make sure that projects do not cause unnecessary damage to environment & people LMB countries all have legislation requiring that EIA studies be completed for certain projects (e.g. Hydropower Dams) BUT: legislation only covers assessment of impacts once a project is chosen

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) EIA legislation does not help in selecting the most suitable TYPE and LOCATION of development And what about the impacts that might arise from several small projects? E.g. one 10,000 ha irrigation scheme may not cause significant impacts BUT – 6 x such schemes in a watershed or sub- basin, could cumulatively have considerable impacts

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Strategic Environmental Assessment Many countries worldwide are now seeing the need to think about environmental impacts earlier in the decision-making process: When developing programmes, plans and policies Many countries have passed legislation on “Strategic Environmental Assessment” (SEA) International institutions also require the consideration of environmental impacts at programme and plan levels

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Strategic Environmental Assessment Same purpose and concept as EIA To identify potential environmental impacts and recommend ways to prevent or minimise impacts to acceptable levels BUT – is applied to programmes, plans & policies (PPPs) Because detail on developments is less at PPP level, SEA is less detailed than EIA

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Value of SEA Identifies potential impacts EARLY Enables cumulative impacts to be taken into consideration Ensures that PPPs – and later the projects they generate, are compatible with, and compliment each other

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Examples of applying SEA UK: Selection of river basin management options Pakistan: National Drainage Plan Nepal: National medium-sized hydropower programme Argentina: Flood protection programme Belgium / Holland: Master Plan for the Scheldt Estuary

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Why is SEA relevant to the BDP

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Why is SEA needed for the BDP Sustainable Development of the basin Existing tools do not take full account of environmental and social impacts e.g. Water pollution Loss of livelihoods Increased disease Many small national-owned projects could generate major cumulative & transboundary impacts

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world “Environment” Taken in widest sense to mean: Physical environment Biological environment Human environment

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world How could SEA be applied to the BDP

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world SEA & the BDP Cycle 4 Project long-listing 3 Strategy formulation 5Shortlisting: Classification & ranking Implementation Development, promotion 1-2Analysis (and, later on, monitoring) RAOM, DSF, etc. DSF, SEA (level 2), etc. CEA, EIA SEA (level 1)

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Application of SEA within the BDP Level 1 SEALevel 2 SEACEA / EIA When Formulation of BDP Strategy Selection of short-listed projects Feasibility studies of projects / programmes Purpose Identify Env risks associated with development Ensure safeguards to prevent / minimise risks are included in Strategy Develop checklists to screen & rank long-list Ensure short-list projects compatible with Strategy Screen long-list projects for their potential to cause Env impacts (and therefore require EIA / CEA) Make recommendations for projects suitable for short-list Detailed predictions of Env impacts of projects, and combinations thereof, & evaluation for their “acceptability” Define ways of preventing or minimising identified impacts Outputs Recommended long list projects Strategic development “principles” Checklists for long-list screening Recommendations for: projects suitable for short-list environmental assessment requirements for these projects (including likelihood of cumulative effects) An impact assessment report Recommended mitigation, management & monitoring measures

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Existing Environmental Conditions & Trends National policies & strategies for environment, SD, poverty reduction etc. Objectives for Sustainable Development of the Basin  ? _______ Description of impacts & suggested mitigation Intervention Suggestions for Long-List Projects that have transboundary / basinwide significance Illustrative Criteria Objectives & Principles for the BDP Strategy Scoping Matrix Likely impacts identified Broad Description of types of development intervention Requirement for EIA / CEA studies identified (screening) & what those studies should cover (scoping) Short List Projects CEA / EIA Feasibility Studies Project Execution The SEA Process in BDP Level 1 SEA Long-list Projects Level 2 SEA

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Level 1 SEA: During Strategy Formulation Propose, define & agree assessment criteria Identify & describe types of development intervention Scope the SEA (Scoping Matrix) Describe each impact & suggest mitigation measures (Impact Description & Mitigation Table) Analyse trends & refine strategy (objectives & principles) Develop Level 2 SEA Checklists Report results

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Example Scoping Matrix

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Example Impact Description & Mitigation Table

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Level 2 SEA: For selection of short-list Use Level 2 SEA Checklist of each Long-List Project

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Level 2 SEA Checklist Part 1: Confirms whether project meets BDP’s strategic objectives Part 2:Screening projects to determine whether they could cause impacts and therefore require EIA or CEA Part 3:Recommends whether project is suitable for short list on environmental grounds

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world “Develop” further to include costs YesNo Do you know how significant these cumulative impacts are? No Yes Could the project cause cumulative impacts with other existing or planned devels? Have transboundary impacts been studied following the MRC’s Transboundary EIA “Principles”? Yes No Do you know how significant impacts are? Could the project cause transboundar y impacts? Complete Preliminary EIA No or Not Sure Yes No Complete a transboundary EIA Yes Are the resources needed to mitigate impacts known and included in the project budget? Complete a CEA Yes No Long-list projects  ? _______ “Promote” or “Fast Track” on short-list (on env. grounds) (A)Will cause major environmental impacts OR (B)Will cause some medium – large impacts Part 2 “Screening” (C)Will not cause significant environmental impacts Level 2 SEA Results

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Next Steps

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Timing & Responsibilities

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Next Steps Submission of Final Level 1 SEA Report on submission of Draft Final BDP Strategy to JC in July 2004

Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world Discussion Points Relevance of application Relevance of Tools Types of intervention Value of Checklist Environmental + Social Criteria – or Sustainable Development? Responsibilities

ERM Environmental Resources Management (Vietnam) 16F, Saigon Tower, 29 Le Duan, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Figure 2SEA process within the BDP Scoping Matrix Intervention Description of impacts & suggested mitigation Existing Environmental Conditions & Trends National policies & strategies for environment, SD, poverty reduction etc. Broad Description of types of development intervention Objectives for Sustainable Development of the Basin Illustrative Criteria Objectives & Principles for the BDP Strategy  ? _______ Suggestions for Long-List Projects that have transboundary / basinwide significance Requirement for EIA / CEA studies identified (screening) & what those studies should cover (scoping) Likely impacts identified Long-list Projects Short List Projects CEA / EIA Feasibility Studies Project Execution