Isfahan Medical Faculty, Anatomical Sciences Department 1386 Isfahan Medical Faculty, Anatomical Sciences Department 1
The muscles of Shoulder girdle: Those attached to the Scapula There are 17 muscles attached to the scapula as the following: 7 muscles inserted to the scapula from axial skeleton : 1- Trapezius 2- Serratus anterior 3- Levator scapulea 4- Rhomboideus minor 5- Rhomboideus major 6- Pectoralis minor 7- Omohyoid
The muscles of Shoulder girdle: Those attached to the Scapula 10 muscles arise from scapulae and inserted to humerus: 1- Subscapularis 2- Supraspinatus 3- Infraspinatus 4- Teres minor 5- Teres major 6- Latissimus dorsi (a small part of that) 8- long head of triceps 7- Deltoid 9- Biceps 10 - Coracobrachialis
The muscles of Shoulder girdle: Those attached to the Clavicle There are 5 muscles attached to the clavicle as the following: 1- Trapezius 2- Subclavious 3- Pectoralis major 4- Deltoid 2 muscles arise from axial skeleton and inserted to the clavicle: 2 muscles arise from the clavicle and inserted to Humerus: 1 muscles arise from the clavicle and inserted to axial skeleton, Sternocleidomastoid
The muscles attached to the Humerus 18 muscles attached to humerus: 9 muscles are inserted from shoulder girdle to humerus upper half 9 muscles take origin from humerus lower half Insertions: 1- Supraspinatus 2- Infraspinatus 3- Teres minor 4- Pectoralis major 5- Teres major 6- Latissimus dorsi 7- Subscapularis 8- Deltoid 9- Coracobrachialis Origins: 1- Triceps (lateral head & medial head 2- Brachioradialis 3- Brachialis 4- Pronator teres 5- Extensor carpi radialis L 6- Anconeus 7- Supinator 8- Common origin of forearm flexor muscles (PT, PL, FCR, FCU, FDS) 9- Common origin of forearm extensor muscles (ECRB, ED, EDM, ECU)
The muscles Attached to the Radius & Ulna 9 muscles attached to Radius, : 12 muscles attached to the Ulna Insertions to Radius: 1- Biceps Brachi 2- Pronator teres 3- Brachioradialis 4- Pronator Quadratus 5- Supinator Origins from Radius 1- Flexor digi super (radial head) 2- Flexor policis longus 3- Abductor policis longus 4- Extensor policis brevis Insertions to The Ulna: 1- Triceps 2- Brachialis 3- Anconeus Origins from The Ulna 1- Flexor Digi superficialis 2- Pronator teres 3- Flexor digi profundus 4- Pronator quadratus 5 -Flexor carpi ulnaris 6- Extensor carpi ulnaris 7- Abductor policis longus 8- extensor policis longus 9- extensor indicis
The Forearm muscles Attached to: both the Radius and the Ulna 6 muscles attached to both Radius and Ulna : 1- Supinator * 2- Flexor Digi superficialis * 3- Pronator teres8* 4- Pronator quadratus 5- Abductor policis longus 6- Flexor policis longus (sometime it has an ulnar head as well) * = Humerus, Radius & Ulnar attachments
The forearm muscles Attached only to the Radius 2 muscles attached only to Radius, : Insertions to Radius: 1- Biceps Brachi 2- Extensor policis brevis 3- Brachioradialis
The forearm muscles Attached only to the Ulna 7muscles attached to Ulna 1- Triceps 2- Anconeus 3- Brachialis 4- Extensor Indicis 5- Extensor policis longus 6- A common aponeurosis for FCU, ECU & FDP