The Making of Social Values Social Attitudes and Social Change Paula Surridge Department of Sociology University of Bristol
General aims and objectives Bring together data resources on social attitudes in Britain Document changes in attitude structures, esp. outside of the traditional ‘left-right’ framework Develop expertise in advanced modelling techniques
Aims and objectives (Education) Investigate the relationship between education and social attitudes Context of expansion of education participation especially HE Look for mechanisms that underpin the relationship between attitudes and education
Aims and Objectives (Political Preferences) Attitudes as a mediator between social location and political preferences? Changes in relationship between attitudes and partisanship in changing political discourse
Background Link between attitudes and education ‘one of the most stable and consistent findings in empirical social research of contemporary American society’ Especially link between education and ‘liberal’ attitudes
Two key social changes Expansion of higher education Changing political discourse Everyday politics increasing about issues that are not part of the traditional ‘left-right’ debate
Potential explanations Developmental model Leads to cognitive and personality changes Socialization Socializes into dominant norms Ideological Refinement Leads to better defence of self-interest Cultural Capital Attitudes adopted to gain position in political field
Timetable Two year fellowship Feb 06 – Jan 08 Six stages Designed to grow in complexity of data, technique and research question
Stage 1: The structure of contemporary social attitudes Are two dimensions sufficient to represent social attitudes in 21 st century Britain? Data BSA surveys Techniques Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Stage 2: Relationships between education, social class and attitudes How do education and social class interact in the formation of social attitudes? Data BSA surveys: pooled cross-sections Techniques Correspondence analysis, Log linear models
Stage 3: Additional dimensions of education Does it matter what subjects are studied? Data BCS Techniques Advanced regression techniques
Stage 4: Household dynamics and party preferences How are attitudes modified by changes in household conditions or structures? Data BHPS Techniques Structural Equation modelling
Stage 5: The impact of social attitudes How do social attitudes effect political preferences? Data BES ( ) Census data Techniques Multi-level modelling