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Arm Region
Superficial Fascia of the ARM Definition: Contents: Nerves Supra clavicular nerve (Cervical Plexus) Upper Lateral Cutaneus Nerve of Arm (Axillary) Lower Lateral cutaneous nerve of Arm (Radial) Intecosto Brachii nerve ( T2 ) Medial cutaneous nerve of Arm (Medial Cord ) Posterior cutaneous nerve of Arm (Radial )
Superficial Fascia of the ARM Contents: Veins: Cephalic Vein Basilic Vein Lymph nodes
Ant. Compartment Muscles Arterial Supply Nerve Supply Coracobrachialis Biceps brachii Brachialis Muscles Arterial Supply Brachial Artery Nerve Supply Musculocutaneous Nerve
Post. Compartment Muscles Arterial Supply Nerve Supply Triceps containe of Long, Lateral & Medial Head Muscles Arterial Supply Profonda brachi Artery Nerve Supply Radial Nerve
Brachial Artery Situation: It is continuation of AXILLARY artery. It extend from the lower border of the teres major to a point in front of the elbow at the level of neck of radius. Branches: Muscular branches Profonda brachii Superior ulnar collateral Nutritional Inferior ulnar collatera Two terminal branches ( Radial & Ulnar )
It is largest branch of the posterior cord Radial Nerve It is largest branch of the posterior cord Branches: Before entering the Radial Groove: 1) Motor: N. to Long & Med. Head of Triceps 2) Sensory: Post. Cutaneus n. of Arm In the Radial Groove: 1) Motor: N. to Lat. & Med. Head of Triceps & Anconeus 2) Sensory: Post. Cut. n. of Forearm & Lower Lat. Cut. n. of Arm After Radial Groove: 1) Motor : Nerve to Brachialis Nerve to Brachioradialis Nerve to Ext. Carpi Radialis Longus
It is largest branch of the posterior cord Radial Nerve It is largest branch of the posterior cord Branches: Before entering the Radial Groove: 1) Motor: N. to Long & Med. Head of Triceps 2) Sensory: Post. Cutaneus n. of Arm In the Radial Groove: 1) Motor: N. to Lat. & Med. Head of Triceps & Anconeus 2) Sensory: Post. Cut. n. of Forearm & Lower Lat. Cut. n. of Arm After Radial Groove: 1) Motor : Nerve to Brachialis Nervve to Brachioradialis Nerve to Ext. Carpi Radialis Longus