Effective and Successful Leadership of the Dental Team Dr. Courtney Alexander and Dr. Chris Salierno
“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” -Jack Welch
“Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves its amazing what they can accomplish.” -Sam Walton
Dr. Courtney’s Team
Dr. Chris’s Team
Set a Good Example Be on time Review charts and be prepared for the day Have a good attitude (positive personality) Be fair (no favoritism)
LISTEN to your staff Weekly staff meetings Comment Box- staff can make anonymous suggestions Staff surveys-can give feedback Yearly/quarterly staff evaluations
PRAISE your staff Employee of the Month Bonuses Hand written notes Compliments on excellent work HUMAN BEINGS CRAVE POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT
CRITIQUE your staff Consequences of being “too nice” Private versus public Self deprecation
I made a mistake. We need to improve this. You did great.
There is no “I” in “TEAM”
Don’t forget you are their Leader You can be close to your staff, but above all you are their boss. When you first start practicing you will be young and close in age to many of your staff. You have to maintain a distance, that allows you to be objective. Do not put yourself in a compromising position by trying to be their friend.
Social Media Some dentists decide not to friend/follow their staff and vice versa. It is a personal decision. If you do, be careful what you post.
Leadership Qualities that attract valuable staff Innovative Inspirational Visionary Hard-working Empathetic Empowering
Different combinations of performance and behavior Good manager, good leader- a team that feels inspired and fulfilled in their professional lives Good manager, poor leader- a team that feels dominated by an impersonal boss who wants the business to run like a machine, but doesn’t care about the team
Different combinations of performance and behavior Good leader, poor manager- a team that loves the adrenaline rush in short doses, but will eventually tire and quit Poor leader, poor manager-stressed out people looking for another job -Chris Barrow