Using Accreditation Schemes to Improve Dementia Care – Gillian Flowers Accommodation Solutions Community Commissioning
Dementia Accreditation A look at the current scheme working within Adult Care Service in Herts and how a home can access it.
Background HCC’s accreditation scheme came into being in Developed initially in partnership with Quantum care Rolled out to the residential dementia market only Only covers homes within Herts Linked to CQC standards
Aims of scheme To recognise the specialisation of dementia care. To reward best practice Increase the standards of dementia care in county
Key Features of the Scheme Must have a registered manager, with a qualification in dementia care Staff ratios at least 1:5 Care Staff trained to NVQ level All staff having at least awareness training
How to access the scheme Recommendation by the monitoring officers. Apply to Accommodation Solutions at Herts CC.
Accessing the Scheme A pack will be sent out. Preparation work from the pack will be assessed by the monitoring officers. A full inspection visit will take place. Award given soon after. If unsuccessful, 6 months before reapplication can be made.
Proposed next steps Expand the scheme to include nursing dementia Suggest that dementia placements are only made in homes with a dementia accreditation A review of the rewards incentive Review of scheme in relation to CQC’s proposed kite-mark scheme
Further Information Accommodation Solutions, Farnham House, Stevenage
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