Unabridged Christianity Chapter 18. Forgiveness through a priest Unabridged Christianity pp
What doe the Catholic Church teach about reconciliation? It was instituted for all sinful members of the Church, particularly those who have fallen into grave sin since baptism. People receiving this sacrament in the early centuries of Christianity received serious discipline for grave offenses, but that has changed. It has been a private practice since the 7 th Century.
Objection #1: Only God Can forgive sins! OK… But, Christ sent out his apostles in the same way the Father had sent him (John 20:21-23) In Matthew Peter is singled out and told “whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven Wait does this mean…? Yes it does. It also means reconciliation was instituted by Christ.
The prodigal son as an example of reconciliation. Read Luke 15: Not how all elements of reconciliation are present: The sinner repents He makes a verbal confession He is willing to do penance in order to offset the damage of his offense. He joyfully experiences reconciliation
Objection #2: We can go directly to Christ for forgiveness. We don’t need no Priest! Christians have an instruction manual from God called the bible. It includes instructions for being forgiven: John 20:21-23, Matt 16: 18-19, Matt 18:18, 2 Cor 5:17-21 Why don’t we like following the instructions? Lawnmower analogy… Have you ever given someone a gift you considered special, only to find out they never used it? How’d you feel? Remember, reconciliation still comes from God in the Catholic Church. The priest is an instrument.
Objection #3: Reconciliation was given to Christ’s disciples, not just Apostles. The bible does sometimes refer to the apostles as the 12 disciples.
Objection 4: Demanding penance demeans the price Christ paid on the Cross Penance is not a way of “earning” forgiveness. It is a prayer or deed aimed at restoring your relationship with God. A man has a heart attack. His doctor tells him that as part of his recovery the man needs to quit smoking, start walking every day, improve his diet, and get more sleep. Are any of these conditions required to receive treatment from the doctor?
A final thought for Christians: God can certainly forgive sin under any circumstances He chooses. For believers in the Bible, he provided a way He says is guaranteed to result in forgiveness. If you are concerned in forgiveness, does it not make sense to use the means Christ laid out as a guarantee?