12/03/ Second International Workshop on New Generation Enterprise and Business Innovation NGEBIS 2013 Semantic UBL-like documents for innovation Volkan Basar, Anil Sinaci (SRDC, Turkey) Fabrizio Smith, Francesco Taglino (CNR-IASI, Italy)
12/03/ Outline Motivation, Objective, Proposal UBL (Universal Business Language) Linked Data eDoCreator UBL documents editor Conslusions and Future Work
12/03/ Motivations “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration” (T.A. Edison) Innovation as a practice that captures, acquires, manages and diffuses knowledge with the aim to create new knowledge Knowledge enables creativity by permitting associations and linkages that otherwise are difficult to be discovered
12/03/ Objective and Proposal Objective: Smart access and reasoning over enterprise documents DocOnto (Documents Onto) framework Semantic structures for describing docs UBL-like approach (eDoCreator editor) Linked Data principles Reasoning Services operating on the DocOnto at schema and instance level Part of the BIVEE Prod and Innov. KR (PIKR)
12/03/ BIVEE Business Innovation Modelling Framework Four waves Creativity Feasibility Prototyping Engineering Each wave characterized by the production and consumption of certain docs (e.g., Proposed Idea, Feasibility Study)
12/03/ Relationships between Creativity Wave documents
12/03/ UBL (Universal Business Language) adoption UBL/CCTS has the notion of building blocks (e.g., name, address) generic semantics and purpose re-usable in different contexts Three types of CC Basic (e.g., name) Association (e.g., relationships between docs) Aggregate (e.g., documents) Customization method (eDoCreator tool)
12/03/ Linked Data adoption Linked Data principles Standard description and publication of data (RDF and URI) Standard way of accessing data (HTTP) Linking resources/data among them Reusing of vocabularies (e.g., Dublin Core, FOAF) Support interoperability and openness
12/03/ eDoCreator and PIKR integration
12/03/ An example of doc annotation TechnicalSolutionReport Header dc:titleAdvanced HMI IdentifierTS_AdvancedHMI dc:description System for the robot programming based on the 3d reconstruction of the inspected components ResponsibleJohn Smith dc:contributorMattew Broderick Creation Date13/06/2012 dc:formatms-word Language Italian Document Indicators Readability=4; Technical Quality=4 Resource Linkhttp://bivee.eng/bis/loccioni/doc/proposedIdea21.doc Content Research Line 3D vision, cloud point, artificial intelligence algorithm, athropomorphous manipulator TechnologyHMI Advantages3d reconstruction, optimal path, collision avoidance Related Resources Part of doc:IP_AdvancedHMI Has budget doc:BS_AdvancedHMI
12/03/ Reasoning facilities over annotated docs Query, to retrieve pieces of knowledge which exhibit some given properties Semantic similarity search (SemSim) Compliance Checking with respect to business policies and internal regulations (e.g., Each Innovation Report needs to be composed by a Project Proposal and a Market Analysis)
12/03/ Conclusions and Outlook UBL as a standard customization approach for documents representation familiar in a business context Linked Data as standard principles for publishing data and vocabularies Future works Elaboration of documents structures Propose innovation docs as extension of standard UBL docs
12/03/ Questions & Answers