Detecting and Responding to Invaders. The Immune System Specific Response Non-Specific.


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Presentation transcript:

Detecting and Responding to Invaders

The Immune System Specific Response Non-Specific

The Immune System List the organs and tissues of the immune system and their role.

The Immune System List the organs and tissues of the immune system and their role.

Cells of the Immune System List the cells of the immune system and the function they perform

Cells of the Immune System List the cells of the immune system and the function they perform

Cells of the Immune System List the cells of the immune system and the function they perform

The Non-Specific Immune Response

Non-Specific Immune Response Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) – What does it do? What types of MHC markers are found

Non-specific Response Describe the process of phagocytosis

Inflammation Describe the process of Inflammation

Complement Proteins What are they, what do they do?

Adaptive Immune Response Specific Immune Response

Humoral Immunity

B Lymphocytes – Humoral Immunity Antibodies IgM IgG IgA IgE

B Lymphocytes – Humoral Immunity

Monoclonal Antibodies What are they?

Cell-Mediated Immune Response

T lymphocytes – cell-mediated immune response T lymphocytes Originate in the bone marrow but mature in the thymus gland. T-helper Cytotoxic T T-Suppressor

Overview of the mammalian immune system

Preventing Infection Antiseptic –A substance that kills or inhibits the growth of micro-organisms on external surfaces of living things Disinfectant –Substance that destroys micro-organisms and their spores

Acquired immunity - Active Vaccines

Acquired immunity - passive

Autoimmune disease