Evaluation of risk assessment for periodontal patients. Presented by Dr.Wasif Haq
Introduction Risk: Probability of an individual to get a disease in a given period. Risk factors, risk indicators and risk markers. Risk assessment: Process by which qualitative or quantitative assessments are made of the likelihood for adverse events to occur as a result of exposure to specified health hazard or by the absence of beneficial influences.
Risk Factors For Periodontal Disease.
Risk Factors For Periodontal Disease Tobacco: A well established risk factor. Local and systemic effects.
Risk Factors For Periodontal Disease Diabetes: Risk factor. Impaired glucose control related to increased proinflammatory cytokines, greater pocket depth. Increased oral infections. Duration of diabetes.
Risk Factors For Periodontal Disease Plaque & Calculus: Both are risk factors. Quality instead of quantity of plaque.
Risk Determinants For Periodontal Disease.
Risk Determinants For Periodontal Disease Genetic factors: Genetic susceptibility to periodontitis e.g. localized and generalized aggressive periodontitis. Interleukin 1 association with severe chronic periodontitis.
Risk Determinants For Periodontal Disease Age: Periodontal disease not a consequence of ageing. Linear relation between prevalence & severity. Prolonged exposure.
Risk Determinants For Periodontal Disease Gender: Poor oral hygiene amongst males. Higher attachment loss.
Risk Determinants For Periodontal Disease Socio-economic status: No independent association. Gingivitis and poorer oral hygiene. Level of dental awareness.
Risk Determinants For Periodontal Disease Stress: Putative risk factor. Effect on immune system. Periodontal therapy resistant patients.
Risk Indicators For Periodontal Disease.
Risk Indicators For Periodontal Disease H.I.V.: Inconclusive evidence. Osteoporosis: May aggravate periodontal disease. Infrequent dental visits: Mixed evidence.
Risk Markers For Periodontal Disease.
Risk Markers For Periodontal Disease History of periodontal disease: Predictor for future dental disease. Bleeding on probing: Best clinical indicator especially if coupled with attachment loss.
Concept & Importance Of Risk Assessment.
Concept Of Risk Assessment Host related factors can influence the onset, clinical presentation & rate of periodontal progression. Importance in diagnosis, prognosis & treatment of underlying chronic conditions.
Importance Of Risk Assessment Selection of patients requiring additional education, interventions & preventions. Better treatment planning decisions.
Method Of Risk Assessment Patient age, Smoking history, Diabetes, Pocket depth, Poor oral hygiene, Persistent inflammation,Bleeding on probing, Subgingival calculus or restoration, Furcation involvement, Radiographic bone assessment. Risk score :1-5 with 5 being the highest score.
Method Of Risk Assessment
Conclusion Although more research needed to determine effectiveness of risk assessment; it seems prudent that utilizing risk assessment tools can help reduce disease progression & ultimately treatment costs. Risk assessment tools should be used to diagnose & manage periodontal disease.
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