The Roadmap to Software Factories Tools, Patterns and Frameworks
Roadmap to Software Factories What is a Software Factory? “Models are used not only for analysis and design, but to support many varied types of computation across the entire software life cycle – even at run time” “Software Factories are really just the logical next step in the continuing evolution of software development methods and practices”
Roadmap to Software Factories Context PastAdhoc tools and personal styles Exploration of best practices PresentDisparate tools and patterns Emerging best practices FutureIntegrated tools and patterns Consolidation and adoption of best practices
Roadmap to Software Factories Lifecycle
Roadmap to Software Factories Envisioning Poor communication Core business goals often missed
Roadmap to Software Factories Envisioning Inward View Business goals and success factors in isolation
Roadmap to Software Factories Envisioning Outward Focus Holistic view of business – “What do we provide?”
Roadmap to Software Factories Planning Static functional and technical requirements Adhoc Requirements and Feature discovery
Roadmap to Software Factories Planning Static Use Case and Use Case analysis Personas and Scenarios *
Roadmap to Software Factories
Design Design for one use, single purpose, single system Design for reuse, services for sharing and consuming Tools provide modelling capabilities
Roadmap to Software Factories Developing Basic Patterns evolving Re-use gained through evolution of delivery Reliance on raw man power
Roadmap to Software Factories Developing Patterns used to communicate and design best practice Use of Code Generators to simplify and accelerate infrastructure tasks *
Roadmap to Software Factories
Developing Model Driven Development Test Driven Development Integrated Pattern -> Code in tools
Roadmap to Software Factories Stabilising Manual Integration Developer or QA resource provides adhoc testing coverage Basic level of CM applied
Roadmap to Software Factories Stabilising Use of Build Frameworks Use of Unit Testing * Continuous Integration * Tools support CM processes
Roadmap to Software Factories
Deploying Release build by hand or using simple install project For manual release, developer context often required
Roadmap to Software Factories Deploying Components assembled by automated build scripts Release packaging automated Developer context still required for manual release
Roadmap to Software Factories Deploying Release, associated release notes and status reports automated Strong context linking issues, change-sets and builds Environments modelled (e.g. DSI)
Roadmap to Software Factories Conclusion Progression from disparate approaches, to distillation of best practice into patterns and tools Better end to end tools and frameworks (e.g. Visual Studio Team System) Focus on discipline and maturity
Roadmap to Software Factories Further information Software Factories Initiative: f/default.aspx Download slides/links: Jeremy Boyd: Mark Orange: