From 0 to 100% in a year - embedding Information Literacy in a complex setting Sonja Haerkoenen Cardiff University
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Overview School setting Previous IL provision Negotiation process Practical implementation Lessons learned What next?
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University School setting School of European Studies 5 sections French German Hispanic Studies Italian Politics 5 separate library representatives 5 different organisational structures 5 varying pedagogical approaches
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Previous IL provision Brief Cephalonian Method induction during registration week No information literacy teaching Some experimentation with voluntary sessions
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Negotiation process Essential skills (1) Good knowledge of IL theory Positive outlook Enthusiasm A variety of ideas Awareness of School environment
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Negotiation process Essential skills (2) Flexible approach Fair attitude Ability to take on coordinating role Organisation skills Firm presence Persistence ……
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Negotiation process Enabling local solutions (1) Talk to keen members of academic staff Arrange trials for individual modules Get staff and student feedback Maintain a continuous presence in School Bring all stakeholders together
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Negotiation process Enabling local solutions (2) Demonstrate advantages of embedding IL Present examples of hand-outs/slides Allow time for discussion amongst colleagues Maintain the need for consistency and cohesion Highlight flexibility re. individual section requirements
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Negotiation process Timeline (1) December 2006 Initial strategic meeting January 2007 Library representatives consult within sections Agreements with 2 sections, 2 possible, 1 no February 2007 Attendance of section staff meeting Agreements with 3 sections, 1 possible, 1 no
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Negotiation process Timeline (2) April 2007 Student consultation, attendance of Board of Studies meeting Agreements with 3 sections, 2 possible May 2007 Further internal discussions thanks to enthusiastic members of academic staff Agreements with 4 sections, 1 possible June 2007 Follow-up s to library representatives and other key members of staff Consensus – Agreements with all 5 sections
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Practical implementation – setup One lecture per section Core, compulsory modules Online tutorials on citing references Workshops in groups of max. 20 students Tailored to reflect module context One section to trial direct skills assessment
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Practical implementation – content Basic IL skills quiz in the lecture Techniques for searching databases Citing references online tutorials Voyager exercises to find books + journals Practical examples of websites Discussion on evaluating information Getting more help and support
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Practical implementation – timeline German end Oct 07, 40 students, 4 workshops Italian end Oct 07, 58 students, 5 workshops French mid Nov 07, 64 students, 6 workshops Politics mid/end Nov 07, 130 students, 8 workshops Hispanic end March 08, 120? students, 6 workshops Overall teaching commitment: 5 lectures + 29 workshops (≈ 410 students)
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Lessons learned Positive student reaction: Student interest in compulsory sessions assisted negotiations (consultation + feedback from previous voluntary workshops) 75% would recommend attending these sessions to colleagues 86% found the sessions useful 95% thought the topics were covered clearly and effectively
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Lessons learned Room for improvement: Some overlap for joint honours students Students prefer sessions a.s.a.p. in academic year Should be fully integrated into timetables, not additional or in reading week Basic IL covered, follow-up in year 2 needed for advanced skills Considerable staff effort to organise slots and create customised materials
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University What next? Harmonise sections re. timetabling sessions (in scheduled module contact hours) Coordinate with academic colleagues to move all workshops into semester 1, Oct-Nov Discuss follow-up workshops in year 2 Gather feedback from academic staff on improvements in students‘ work Investigate formalised assessments School-wide
Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Thank you for your interest and attention! Sonja Haerkoenen