Chat Application Pratheeba Murugesan Pratheeba Murugesan Tejo Brundavana Tejo Brundavana Zhenhong Zhao Zhenhong Zhao
Abstract Consists of server and client module. Consists of server and client module. Generate sounds when certain key words are entered. Generate sounds when certain key words are entered. Windows sockets for implementing TCP/IP protocol. Windows sockets for implementing TCP/IP protocol.
Tools Used Microsoft Visual C++ 6 Microsoft Visual C++ 6 MFC Sockets using MFC class CAsyncSocket Sockets using MFC class CAsyncSocket Sounds using WINMM.LIB library file. Sounds using WINMM.LIB library file.
Phases of Development Design Design Implementation Implementation Testing Testing
Design Phase Server Server Listen for Incoming Request Valid Request – Establish communication Client Client Knows Ip no. and Sends request to Server Receives keyboard input and send them to server.
Client-Server mechanism Server Socket (CAsyncSocket) Client Socket (CAsyncSocket) Port Ip no Dialog Box (CDialog) Dialog Box (CDialog)
Implementation Phase Initial Development Initial Development Two separate programs ClientClient ServerServer Upgradation Server and client features combinedServer and client features combined into single executable program Server into single executable program Server
Testing Phase Black Box Testing of Application Black Box Testing of Application Unit Testing of methods Unit Testing of methods Server methods CDialog Class methodsCDialog Class methods CAsyncSocket methodsCAsyncSocket methods Client methods OnConnectOnConnect OnSendOnSend OnCReceiveOnCReceive
Communication Mechanism Dialog Box (Cdialog)
Sound_Generation Dialog Box (Cdialog)
Working Model
Advantages The user friendly interface enables effortless use. The Sockets implementing TCP/IP protocols makes this application suitable for any kind of network including the internet. The modular design of the Server and the Client enables scalability and provides scope for future improvement. Both the Server and the Client program occupies less Disk memory.
Future Plans Using a centralized server or file for listing the IP addresses of different users. Using a centralized server or file for listing the IP addresses of different users. Inclusion of graphics and animation features Inclusion of graphics and animation features
Bibliography Microsoft Windows 2000 TCP/IP Protocols and Services Technical Reference by Microsoft Windows 2000 TCP/IP Protocols and Services Technical Reference by Thomas Lee (Author), Joseph Davies Thomas Lee (Author), Joseph Davies The Protocols (TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1) by W. Richard Stevens (Author) The Protocols (TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1) by W. Richard Stevens (Author) MFC Tutorials MFC Tutorials hp hp hp hp Networking Networking efault.php efault.php