Youth Media… Better create than consume…
What is Youth Media O Youth Media gives an opportunity to youth to raise their voice through the creation of youth-produced media. Our core objective is positive youth development and civic engagement. O We aim to empower youth in our society to be the Creators of Media, not just Consumers of it and actively involve them in current events and issues which they feel important to be focused for their community. O To provide young people with an opportunity to share their views and opinions with peers, community members and the public radio listening audience.
How does Youth Media helps? It is a global initiative that empowers youth worldwide to develop critical 21 st century skills such as media literacy and global awareness using multimedia and digital tools and are encouraged to create works that communicate their ideas, concerns and aspirations.
21st century approach to education… O Media Literacy is a 21st century approach to education… O …provides a framework to access, analyze, evaluate, create and participate using messages in a variety of forms. O …builds an understanding of the role of media in society, as well as essential skills of inquiry and self- expression necessary for citizens of a democracy.
Our Training Goals Get a full understanding of the program. Gain an understanding of the value and methodologies of youth media making Gain familiarity with the various media formats in which youth work can be created Learn about the steps and stages to facilitating effective youth media making Explore community and think about strategies for building and engaging audiences Be exposed to models of instructional practice as it relates to working with media and youth 5
Program Design 6 Youth Media Empower youth in underserved communities with real world experiences and 21 st century tools to communicate their ideas, exhibit their potential, and take action in their communities. EngageExhibitEnhance Youth in breakthrough experiences using digital tools in and out of school Skills of teachers/adults working with youth using digital tools to communicate Youth share their visions and voices to a broad audience for a public purpose “Better create than consume…”
Production Work Flow PlanningProduction Post Production Critique & Revise Exhibit & Distribute
Positive Youth Development Media Production: Technical & Creative Skills Critical Media Analysis Civic Engagement/Me dia Activism Model for Youth Media Program Outcomes Leadership Problem Solving Employment Critical Thinking Self- Esteem Life Skills
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