Substance Use Assessment tool (SUAT) Presented by; Marta McGonagle TDCJ-RRPD March 27, 2008
DDRAC Screening & Placement Subcommittee Formed in response to the Report to State Leadership, January Effective screening ensures proper placement. Proper placement leads to appropriate care, improved treatment outcomes and ensures that limited resources are used efficiently.
TIME LINE 03/07FIRST SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING 05/07INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW OF SUAT (Substance Abuse and Mental Health computerized Screening and Assessment Tool) BY DR. VINCE FONSECA
TIME-LINE (Cont’) 04/07Research of criminal justice system standards for level of care. Defined definition of screening, assessment, and placement based on facility licensure criteria. Must meet the DSM IV criteria for Substance Abuse or Dependence
Time Line (Cont’) 05/07Overview of SUAT presented to RRPD. Approval to test SUAT at the Hamilton Unit Pre-release Therapeutic Community (PRTC) 06/07Presentation at PRTC
Cont’ 06/07Modifications made to meet the target population in TDCJ treatment Units. Computers donated from DFPS to RRPD. (James Childers). 03/08 TDCJ-RRPD Purchase Order in process…………….
SUAT OVERVIEW Comprehensive mental health/substance use assessment and case management tool that provides: 1. Five axis diagnostic impressions 2. Level of care recommendation, and 3. Motivational interviewing feedback to the client
SUAT Able to be used on all computers Basic demographic information (Name, DOB, Gender, Ethnicity, TDCJ/SID number, Education level, current offense, past criminal history) Comprehensive Alcohol and Drug Screening Mental Health Screening Can be self- administered MI and Self Efficacy Screen (Client motivation)
SUAT Computer analyzes data and provides the following recommendations for the clinician to review and modify as needed: 1. Flag for potential issues 2. Client motivation 3. Diagnostic Impression 4. Level of Care 5. Master Treatment Plan 6. Generates Report
HANDOUTS REVIEW HANDOUTS Q&A Recognition to Kristine Guilbeaux!!